Trittany- Just why

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Hi Guys
Sorry I haven't updated in ages. I was on holiday I just got back yesterday. I started this one shot before I went away but I just didn't like it so I have re done it so yeah. Anyway this story is my first Trittany story. It is based around when they were about to film season 4. It may contain some mature content along with words so don't say I didn't warn you. However it is cute and fluffy stuff. Anyway enough of me talking. Enjoy the story.
Bye Lovely People
Amelia xx

Brittany's RROV

I can't believe it. How could this happen? This isn't fair on me or Trevor. Now you maybe wondering what is going on? Well...

It is the first day of filming season 4 but today isn't a filming day. Today we basically try on our new wardrobe and make sure it all fits, next we get our make up done so we know what our makeup look will be, then we run through some new dances and finally we get handed our scripts.

We have done all that jazz and only now we received our scripts but I am torn about what it says. The moment I read it I had to take myself away from everyone and head to my changing room to hide away. So that is where I am now.

I am sat against the wall, the back of my head resting on the wall, with the script in my hands. I can't stop reading what it said I had to do. It is just pure shit what they have written.

It is not fair on me at all. Now you are probably getting really pissed off that I am not telling you already you a probably like 'OMG JUST FUCKING TELL ME ALREADY'! Ok here goes...

I have to kiss another guy! Yes that's right KISS another guy.
Now you could say what's so wrong about that but the main thing is me and Trevor are dating and I love him so much. I can't kiss someone else.

I know it is acting and you could say I am not being professional but still he is my Boyfriend, my Soulmate and here I am having to kiss someone els.

I can't believe they made that story line for Jiley. They know me and Trev are together and we have been for since the end of season 2.
I hate it and as far as I know I have to not just kiss him once or twice but a lot of times. As well as having to film a break up scene with my own boyfriend in real life not just on screen. I mean at least they get back together but still.

I have no idea why Riley could do such a thing to James.

As I keep looking at the lines I say to Trevor in the break up scene and the lines for the first kissing scene. A bunch of tears start falling down my cheeks. I wipe them away as soon as I feel them falling on my face.

I hear the someone entering the wardrobe room. I hope it is Trev or my best friend or even my on screen sister, I just hope it isn't Giuseppe he is the last person I want to come in here right now. "Babe" I hear call out and I instantly know it is my loving Boyfriend.

Trevor's PROV

I see my girl walk out of the green room and I instantly know why. I am shocked just as much as she is. I can't believe what Britt has to do. As soon as Brittany leaves Victoria, Logan and Alex all look at me. They know why as well.

I could tell by there faces they were shocked as well. After about 2 minutes I got up and tried to find her. I thought to myself where she always goes after a crying scene and then it hit me... her changing room.

I walked down the hallway to the changing rooms.
I enter the changing rooms and call out her name "Babe". I don here anything for about a few seconds then I hear a sniff and know it belongs to her.

My poor Baby Girl, she really doesn't want to do this but she has to. I go over to her changing cubby as we call them and open the curtain, to find her sitting against the wall, her knees against her chest, her arms hugging her knees and her head down.
Obviously trying to find some type of comfort.

"Oh Baby Girl" I sigh seeing her like this. She lifts up her head. I can see the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Brittany's PROV

I look up at my sexy ass boyfriend. He gives me a sympathetic look. "Oh Baby Girl" he sighs. I just let out another sniff.

He comes in my cubby and sits next to me. He pulls me onto his lap, I snuggle into his chest and cry hard.

His left hand is around my waist pulling me close to him and his right hand is on my head almost cradling it. He runs his fingers through my hair whilst whispering "I love you Baby Girl" in my ear softly. "It's gonna be ok baby" he tells me sweetly.

I just shake my head not agreeing with what he is saying. "It's not Trev, I am going to have to kiss another guy more than once and have to film a break up scene with you. I can't do it" I stutter. "Yes you can Britt, I know it is a shock. All the cast believe me are shocked to but we just gonna have to do this" he kisses my temples before counting. "But babe remember it is just acting and it isn't real" "I know that but it is still gonna be really hard because I am going to have to kiss someone else. My lips on another guys, I just don't want to feel another guys lips all I want is yours"

"Aww baby you can have my lips all you want and all the time" he says sweetly. "I know it is going to be hard B, it will also be hard for me but just keep telling yourself it is fake" I nod slowly listening to every word he has to say. Seriously listening to his voice always clams me down.

I rest my head in the crock of his neck. He pulls me closer to him. He gently tickles my arm up and down. I just want to have every inch of him right now. "And also how about this every time you have to do a kissing scene with him, I will give you a reward when we get home" (a/n Trev and Britt live together in this story) I look at him smiling to see him smirking 😏. "Ooo I like the sound of that, but that would mean fucking like all the time" "True but is that a bad thing?" He asks.

"No but I don't think I have enough energy to do that all the time" I confess. He just chuckles and says "ok how about this we don't go all the way only on the days you have your first time you have to kiss him and on the break up scene, sounds good?" "Sounds good to me but when Jiley get better what will we do then" "well I would presume we would go all the way and fuck until dawn but up to you" "Oh no of course I would want to go all the way and I like the sound of that" I giggle.

"Ok then that's the plan" he says. I smile up at him. He is seriously the bestest boyfriend ever.

Trevor's PROV

I smile at how cute my girl is being right now. I love her to death and nothing will ever change that. "I think u better buy some more condoms because this summer is going to be spicy" she giggles. "Don't worry I have probably over 1000 in the cupboard under the sink. So don't you worry". I chuckle.
She giggles too and snuggles into my chest. She closes her eyes. I kiss the top of her head and smell the comforting smell that my baby has. "Rest Baby, you must be tired after crying a lot" I feel my girlfriend melt into my lap. "I love you Trevy" Britt exclaims. I love it when she calls me that. "I love you so much too Britt" I exclaim.

I zone out for a bit thinking about how much I love my girl. But I get cut out of my zone out. When I hear soft deep breaths. I look down at my queen and see how peaceful she is in her slumber. I kiss the top of her head.
Brittany is seriously the Bestest Girlfriend ever and I am loud and proud to call her mine.

A/n: Omg 1514 words later. Hope you liked this first Trittany one shot. I have so many ideas so I am so excited to write them. Sorry I haven't updated in ages like I said before. I started this the day after I posted my first Jiley one shot and then I got super busy getting ready to go on holiday. I have been on holiday for the last 11 days, that's why I have been really un active. Then I was going to continue it again today and realised I really didn't like it.
So I re did it.
Anyways hope you liked it and enjoyed it.
Bye Lovely People
Amelia xx

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