May The Forces Of Gravity Be With You.

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Ten took a deep breath, and turned to her colleagues.

The siding of the entire rocket was gone, the whole place was the epitome of destruction. Oxygen leaked out in a steady stream, causing the alarms to go off full force.

Everything they worked so hard to preserve was destroyed.

Except their bond.

Six held onto Eight's hand, both of them wearing the same grim but accepting face, Eight looked ready to fight tooth and nail for everyone.

Six was more reserved, but was also confident.

Seven was close by, holding a plant pot that had barely begun to sprout, tears were glistening in his eyes, but he held his head high to adress their captain.

Nine was grim, but he was ironically smiling, he knew what was happening, he was their only hope for a solution, but it was futile.

In short, they were doomed.

Words were exchanged, and all of them huddled together.

"..Once you find you're in a rocket.." She began.

"Nothing in this world can stop it." The others chorused.



Ten walked briskly down the trapizoid corridor, every step was echoing throughout the halls.

Looking to her left, she sighed at the plain white walls that always surrounded her.

Why is it that everything having to do with space involved white?

Like, she was pretty fond of white herself, but why couldn't they throw in another color one day?

Like red! Everyone likes red!

Shaking her head back into focus, she marched to the keypad on the side of the door.

Space was no place to lose focus, she couldn't afford to get distracted.

Ten endured an insane amount of training, taken tests, and even studied physics to the point she could talk as if she invented the whole subject. And all that was too much for her to waste by getting distracted.

She had gone through so much to get to the top of her class...

She had wrapped her whole life around this career path, every day and every step of her life was to work towards this moment.

One of the few teenagers to even be allowed to accomplish this route.

She had no room for mistakes.

She couldn't let it happen.

"I need to calm down.." She sighed, punching in the code and standing in the elevator, "I don't want to overthink this."

Besides, what could possibly go wrong?

The doors opened to reveal a completely new part of the building, the walls were painted a moss green 2/3rds of the way down to the ground, at that point, wooden planks covered the rest of the wall all the way down to the floor. Chairs were positioned at tables at the edges of the hallway, small but effective lamps hung from the ceiling.

Ten looked at her watch, smiling at the amount of time she had to spare.

"I might even have time to get a few more minutes of sleep in!" She yawned, stretching.

What she didn't see, was the person walking behind her, thus causing her to flinch when she knocked them over backwards.

"Huh?! Oh no! I'm so so sorry! Are you okay? I didn't even see you!" Ten winced at the mess of things that had spilled during the clash, an abandoned cup of coffee included.

Once You Find You're In A RocketWhere stories live. Discover now