Do You Wanna Build A Spaceship?~

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Ten heard the bell ring and stood up, "Okay, it's time for my appointment. See you later!"

Nine waved and watched someone approach the table with a clipboard.

"Would Ten...I'm sorry, what is your last name?"


"...Okay then..Sunchaser and Nine Whitlock."

"Oh, you had the same appointment?" Ten glanced back.

"Apparently so." Nine shrugged, taking another sip of his coffee, disposing of it in the trash can before joining her, "That's me."

"Thank you for joining us at INOVA today, please enter this room."

"Inter-National Over-View Of Astronomy." Ten recalled, "It's great to be here."

"That's what it stands for?" Nine asked, "Geez... That's specific."

"How do you intern here but not know the name?" Ten briskly opened the door and sat down in yet another forest green chair, "I don't understand your sense of organization."

"..Sense of..organization?"

"Nevermind, my question has been answered."

Nine took a cautious seat next to her and pulled out his phone, clearly looking it up on the internet.

Soon after, three more people arrived, each looking more different from the last.

Ten could tell how a person acted off of observation alone, and she wasn't liking her chances.

The first new person to come was a man, his hair was unkempt and slightly combed through, a veiled, darkened magenta hat on the corner of his head, this was accompanied by the same colored mask on his face, it looked like it was straight from a masquerade party, but his face and tone to the person who had shown him in implied he wasn't the party-type. The scarf that had adorned his shoulders fell to waist length, much lighter than the mask and hat, but the jacket matched the latter two.

He strided-half-marched to his seat, his simple dual colored sweatpants almost overlaying the boots he had on.

His name tag read 'Eight' in more flair than what was strictly required, displaying flowers and calligraphy in such tidiness you'd think he was writing from the 18th century.

He sat next to Nine, almost imposingly, but Nine prevailed unbothered, not even glancing up from the glowing device in his hand, but he still spoke to acknowledge his presence.


Eight nodded, a small grunt coupled with the offputting gesture.

A chipper young fellow had apparently followed him in, considerably shorter than him, giving him the illusion of being younger than what he actually seemed. His eyes were bright and wide with wonder, he also seemed to be onboard the silly hat train, because his hat was a cross between a rain hat and an explorer's hat. The front of it had...strange plastic stickers that were every color of the rainbow, joined by a fourleaf clover that seemed freshly picked, as green as ever and clearly alive.

"Hello everyone!" He grinned, sitting next to Eight and brushing off his rainbow poncho, which only added to his child-like appearance, the various plants practically woven into his beige dress pants also gleamed with dewdrops, with the addition of a garden shovel, he was into plantlife for sure.

There was no name tag on his torso, and Ten could only assume that it was under the poncho.

Nine once again responded, giving him a wave and smile, "Hey."

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