Comet Me Bro!

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(Yeah, this book is just gonna be Chapters of lame space puns, I'm funny like that-)

Ten kept a straight face as Nine pounded furiously at the map, prying open the thing to get a different route, a different course..anything that wasn't directly into a guaranteed deathly barbecue. 

She kept a straight face as Eight stood nearby, trying to get the communications back online, screaming danger codes into the microphone.

Kept a straight face when Seven smugly nodded from his chair, apparently waiting for the worst moment to say 'I told you so'.

A straight face as Six went to the back room-

"Six, state your action." She turned to her receding form, "Six!"

Eight seemed to notice her yelling and turned to the closing doors, "Hey! What are you doing?"

The doors shut.

Nine cried out in frustration, tossing his wrench, "This is pointless! I can't get it to disengage the sequence! We're stuck!"

Eight opened the doors, footsteps pounding throughout the hallways, "Wait! Come back!"

Ten sighed, standing up, "Eight! Return to your post."

"Why would he do that?!" Seven frowned, sitting in the chair upside-down, "I don't think anyone wants a front row seat in being barbecued alive!"

"You think?" Nine slammed his hands onto the screen, glaring back at Seven. Groaning, he threw his hands into the air, before opening the doors, "I'm going to go disengage the bomb from inside. You lot stay here, where it's safe."

"I don't think you heard me, this is the least safe spot on the ship, we should head to the back." Seven rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

"Then go! I don't care! Just don't die until then!" Nine nodded and bolted out the door as well.

Ten didn't even bother trying to get him to think anything out first, "Come on, Seven, we're going to find Six."

Seven stopped crossing his arms, shooting her a confused look, "Um....why?"

"We need to work this out, as a team. And as your leader, I say we go find the team before anyone makes an irreversible decision."

"...leader?..Oh, right. I forgot there was a-"

Ten pulled him off the chair, letting him stumble after her into the double doors.


Six marched through room after room, glaring at the floor.


Why must she go through this again?

Seeing the room labelled, "Airlock" she turned and scanned her card, seeing the 5 spacesuits sitting dutifully on their hooks.

Removing an oxygen tube from the wall, she attached it to the suit and began getting in.

Last time was a parasite. Now it's the sun itself.

Six wasn't going to let it take her out, not now, and not any of those other newbirds on the ship either.

They haven't even had the time to enjoy space yet..

She won't let all their flames be extinguished so soon..


Six fastened on her helmet, looking at Eight, who had just arrived.

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