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[ Prologue ]

How Can I Be So Lonely

Kate walked into the bar, ignoring the looks given. After being called into TOPGUN again to help newcomers, she needed more than one glass of whiskey. Upon getting a glass of whiskey, she downed it. One would think that when you have your dream job, you wouldn't have the temptation of drowning yourself in alcohol. But every job has its ups and downs, and Capt. Kate Maxwell was having a rough day.

Despite her protests, Viper instructed her to be there. She was dreading it before, and now she didn't know what she felt when she saw a familiar blonde sit beside her. "Viper must have dragged you from your place to get you here."

"Charlotte Blackwood, good to see you too. And how do you know I'm here because of-"

Charlotte cut her off, "please, you and I both know you would only come here for two reasons, 1. A mission or help with a mission, or, 2. Bon Jovi or Ac/Dc are performing here." She took a sip of her drink, a small smile playing on her lips.

Kate sighed, knowing damn well that she was right. God, she hated when other people were right. Sitting in a somewhat uncomfortable silence, Kate ordered another glass, taking a drink of it as soon as she got it. She looked around, only recognizing a few of the faces.

For some reason, she didn't look across the gigantic bar to see two naval pilots sitting, talking. One of them was looking at her, furrowing his brows when a guy walked up to her, he had light brown hair, finding a seat between her and the blonde woman to her right.

The guy stood up suddenly, looking as though he was going to convince her of something. The pilot looked at his friend, who quickly shook his head.

"Mav, trust me, she can hold her own." He paused, "Remember hearing about Kerosene, Capt. Kate Maxwell..." Pete shot a look at Nick. They realised the blonde had got up and left to sit somewhere else.

You see, Kate Maxwell had a reputation of getting into trouble, and while she got herself out of it, stories spread around fast. Another fast thing was Kate's fist colliding with the guy's face. She looked around innocently before ordering yet another glass of whiskey. She was probably gonna pay for it with a hangover, which wouldn't be great during the meeting tomorrow. Tomorrow she had to meet the newcomers at TOPGUN, something she was not looking forward to.

She noticed most of the people there didn't even have a glass in front of them, or a bottle. They all had someone to talk to, she scoffed. It felt good to punch that guy. When people started to stir up comments like: you can't like men and women, pick one, you're just being greedy - she despised it.

When Kate looked at some of the pairs, sitting, maybe drinking or talking, laughing, it was just a painful reminder that she never had a proper wingman or a WSO. Sure, she liked flying by herself, but it was difficult. She had Charlotte to be with, but Kate couldn't even keep that. So, there Kate was, drinking alone, drowning herself in sorrows before the long ass meetings she'd have to go through. She'd much rather be on the battlefield, being shot at, than sit or stand through a meeting.

She paid for the drinks, walking out of the bar. Kate had a feeling that after the meeting, she'd be in the bar again. The place she was staying at was within walking distance, so it was quick to get back there. She hadn't consumed enough alcohol to even give her a buzz, which was partly disappointing to her, but she went to her room.

Changing out of her leather jacket and jeans, she put on her plain grey t-shirt and flannel pajama pants and got into her bed. It felt like a hotel. The sheets crinkled, and made every little sound, almost as if it were plastic. She tossed and turned, eventually she was laying on her back, staring at the ceiling. She looked to her side, unsure of what she was even expecting. And she wasn't sure of when she fell asleep, but there was nothing that she remembered if she did dream.

It was 1 am when she fell asleep, and 3 hours later, her alarm went off. In attempts of shutting off the alarm at 4 in the fucking morning, she fell of the bed, letting out the words, "motherfucking mackerel." She stumbled out of bed, changing, then grabbing a coffee cup, making a pot of coffee. She paced around, waiting impatiently, despite it only being three minutes.

When she finished her coffee, she went outside. She had a half smile on her face when she got into her old truck that she really needed to fix up. "And here comes the shit show." With that, she took off, probably going over the speed limit.

Welcome to Keeper of the Flame.

And Viper's gonna be the captain of the Maverine ship.

Okay, bye!

Keeper Of The Flame ━ pete mitchell [1] ✔Where stories live. Discover now