chapter seven:consequences

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I sat down by Finney at the dining table, it was around 9am and Griffin wasn't up yet but mom was making breakfast so sat there and waited. "Hey Finn, don't you have to go home today? It's sunday." "Yeah I'll be going around 2pm, if that's alright?" He answer while looking up at my mom, "You can leave at whatever time you choose." she said back to him in a sleepy voice and picked up two plates and gave us some eggs and bacon, we ate and then Finney went to go sit down on the couch while I did the dishes. "Hey I have a job interview today at 11:30 so you'll have to watch Griffin, okay?" Mom said to me while putting her plate in the sink I just nodded and continued on with what I was doing. "Did I miss breakfast?" I heard Griffin ask me as he sat down at the table. "No you didn't I'll make you a plate right now." I answered smiling at him he smiled back and finished washing the dishes and picked up a plate and put some eggs and bacon on it for him. "There you go, don't forget to put you plate in the sink when you're done." I said to him before walking away, I went and sat by Finney who seemed to be very focused on whatever was on the tv. I had noticed mom wasn't in there so she most likely went to go take a shower and get ready and stuff. Griffin rushed into the room and sat down beside me smiling, "I'm not sure if mom told you but she has a job interview at, some time around 11 so I'll be watching you." I said to Griffin while looking at the tv, I turned to him and he just nodded. "Oh uh I can help you watch him if you want?" Finney had said turning to look at me, "I mean I guess if you want to?" I said looking back at the tv. We sat in silence before Gwen came downstairs and sat down by Griffin. "Oh you're up, do you want me to get you some breakfast?" I asked her looking away from the tv to look at her, "No I'm not really hungry." she replied looking at me and then back to the tv. About a hour later mom came back downstairs and took her car keys and began to get ready to leave. "Okay I'm going now, Griffin be good for your sister, I'll be back around 1:40 or so love you both bye!" Mom had said to us and with that she left quickly and slammed the door shut. We all just sat there before I decided to get up and suggested we go to the park. They all followed me out the door and we headed to the park. "Hey Griff how's your knee doing?" I heard Gwen say to Griffin from behind us, they always walked a little bit further behind me and Finney but Gwen talked quite loud so I could hear everything she was saying, but I only heard like two things Griffin had said because of how quiet he was. I looked over to Finney who was looking down at his feet while walking rather than ahead of him, "You okay?" I asked him while focusing back on where I was going, "Oh? Uh yeah I'm fine?" He said in confused tone I giggled and finally we got to the park and I saw those three bullies sitting on our swings and when they noticed us they got up and started walking over to us, Griffin backed up and Finn slightly backed up too. "W-we should go." Finn said giving me a terrified look, "No they're just a bunch of PUSSY ASS IDIOTS WHO WON'T DO BULLSHIT!" I shouted as loud as I could at the three guys they ran up to us and tried to punch Finn in the face and I kicked him in the stomach and punched him in the face he fell to the ground and one of them had tried to go up behind Griffin I kicked him in the balls and pushed him to the ground. We ran I made sure Finn and Griffin were close to me and Gwen too. I turned around to see them chasing after us I stopped and picked up a rock and threw it, hitting the ginger one right in the head causing him to what looked like pass out, or at least fall. The other two caught up to us and one grabbed Finn and the other grabbed Griffin. "GET OFF THEM YOU NASTY WHORES!" I yelled and tried to punch him in the face but he held Griffin in front of him making it almost impossible. And did the same with Finn when Gwen tried to do something. "HEY SHITFACES LET THEM GO NOW!" I heard a familiar voice yell I turned around to see Robin walking up to us both the boys dropped them and tried to run I grabbed one of them and Robin grabbed the other. I punched the guy in the face and continued to do so until I couldn't fell my hand and Finn had pulled me off, and then Robin got up and we headed home. "Thanks Robin, how'd you know we were gonna be down there?" I asked him as I stared at the ground, "I didn't I was just going for a walk and then I heard you yell and I came to see and you guys were there about to get your asses beat." He responded while still looking at the ground, "I wouldn't have gotten my ass beat. And I wouldn't let them do anything to them either." I replied looking up at him, he said nothing and we just kept walking and finally we were at my house Robin went into the bathroom and tended to his hand. Finn gently pulled me into the kitchen and grabbed some rubbing alcohol and bandages. I looked at him with a apologetic look and he just stared at my hand. "I'm sorry Finn, I didn't want to beat those guys up," I did actually, "but they hurt you and Griffin, and I didn't really have a choice." "I'm not mad or anything, you did what you had to and those guys deserved it." He said in a soft tone looking up at me, I smiled at him and finished putting the bandages on my hand when Griffin had walked in, "Grace.. I don't want to ever go back to that park, I hate those guys!" He said to me giving me a hug, "It's okay Griff they won't mess with you again, trust me." We walked back into the living room to see Robin sitting on the couch with Gwen. "Well guys I gotta go, I can't be out for too long see you at school tomorrow." Robin said hopping up from the couch and leaving. "Bye Robin." We had all said and sat down, "Finn, don't you two have to get going as well?" I asked looking over to him, he nodded and both him and Gwen stood up, "Bye Finn, I'll see you tomorrow at school." I said to him giving a slight smiling and he did the same and they both left. Griffin began walking upstairs and I followed him, "What are you doing?" I asked him as he walked into his room, "I'm gonna take a nap." He answered laying down on his bed and I went into my room and did the same.

Anyways fuck those stupid bullies and I didn't really know what to do for this chapter so if it's bad or anything I'm sorry.

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