Chapter IV

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The rest of Talia's classes went by pretty quickly and she was walking into the office to turn her slip in with Bella right behind her.

The redhead sees Edward in the office and rolls her eyes as they hear him trying to switch out of Biology.

"I'll be with you in just a moment dears." The lady behind the desk said to the girls making Edward look at them well glare but it was mostly aimed at Bella "fine I'll just have to endure it." Then he left the office.

Talia handed her slip in and smiled at the receptionist before heading to her locker to grab her stuff she saw Edward still walking down the hallway so she muttered knowing he'd hear "see now that is exactly what I'm talking about dumbass, you are being far too conspicuous."

He just kept walking not even looking at her and Talia rolled her eyes as she stopped at her locker she opened it and grabbed her stuff so she could leave and meet her dad and Bella at the diner for dinner.

She smiled seeing Jasper at her locker he had told her he'd meet her there once she turned her slip in and he was going to walk her to her car.

He saw the look on her face before she smiled at him "what happened? It's written all over your face that something is bothering you."

She sighed giving him a look "this is not going to make a lot of sense right now but I will explain everything at some point, we did just meet this morning and that is a little soon to be spilling all of my secrets just yet... but your brother is an idiot."

He gave her a teasing look "Which one? I've got three..."

She chuckled slightly "Edward despite every warning I've given him today he's still done the exact opposite of what I said." She rolled her eyes "really I'm just trying to save him a lot of hassle."

He didn't know what she was talking about but he listened to her rant quietly about it as they walked toward her Jeep. She saw the sort of lost look in his eye "okay once I explain everything what I just said will make sense but for now, you are just going to have to trust me."

They got to her Jeep and said their goodbyes and then she was off to meet her dad and sister at the diner.

The two girls had gotten there at the same time and they both joined their dad at the table, the waitress came and took their orders, once the three had ordered Cora the waitress had walked away, he smiled at his girls "how was school today girls?"

Talia smiled at him "it was good dad, nothing too exciting happened, I did make a couple of friends though, so it was a pretty good day in all."

He nodded at her "that's good Talia," then looked at Bella "how was your day Bella?"

Before she could answer him their food was brought to their table and Cora smiled at the two girls "I just can't get over how grown-up you are Bella," then she looked between the two "and your both just so gorgeous."

Talia smiled at her "thank you" as Waylon an old friend of Charlie's approached the table. he smiled at the Swan Twins "Hey, Talia good to see you as always, and Bella."

The redhead smiled back at the man "good to see you too Waylon."

The man looked at the younger Swan "you remember me?" Bella looked from Waylon to Charlie and back but didn't say anything "I played Santa one year."

Charlie gave his old friend a look "Bella hasn't had a Christmas here since she was four Waylon."

"I bet I made an impression thought."

"Yeah, you always do."

Talia laughed as she popped a fry into her mouth as Cora shooed Waylon off so they could eat, after they both left the trio alone at the table Charlie and Bella both went for the ketchup at the same time, there was a bit of an awkward exchange after that and Talia just shook her head at them.

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