Chapter V

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Over the course of the next few days that Edward had been absent, Talia had gotten closer to the Cullens, Jasper was the one she had gotten the closest to, and even though she knew that it hadn't been that long, since they met she found herself wanting to tell him everything, she wanted to come clean about who she really was.

It was Saturday so she didn't have to worry about school, with her decision made Talia texted Jasper asking him if he would come to her house that she wanted to talk to him about something.

She had gotten a reply saying that he would come over and Talia sighed and went downstairs to wait for him to get there, her dad was at work and Bella was in her room so she really didn't have to worry about being bothered unless Bella came down before they could get to Talia's room... which she hoped wouldn't happen.

About 10 minutes later she heard a knock at the door and Talia smiled opening the door "Hi, come on in."

He nodded at her as she moved to let him by "hey, so what's up?" he walked into the house and Talia closed the door behind him.

"Not now... I don't want Bella being able to overhear this so, I will start once we're in my room." He nodded at her and followed her upstairs, and she lead him to her room once they were through the door she shut it and after he headed up the steps that lead to her room Talia used her powers and threw up a barrier behind her closed door so that Bella couldn't just barge in during her story, she wanted to keep this from Bella.

She walked up the stairs into her bedroom "nice room you've got here."

"Thanks, I love it." She sat on her bed, she looked at him "you might want to sit down for this, it's gonna be a lot to take in."

"Okay?" He sat down in front of her on the bed.

Talia took a breath before looking at him "okay so I'll just get right to it, there's no use in beating around the bush, even though this is going to sound insane. I'm not from here and I don't just mean Forks, I mean I'm not from this universe if you will, and I'm not sure how I got here, to be honest, I remember dying, I got stabbed, and I felt numb and then, I saw flashes of red surrounding me and then everything went black but I don't really want to get more into the details of that right now I'll explain that later but the next thing I knew I woke up here... and I was very confused at first I didn't know where I was and then I started seeing memories that weren't mine and at first I thought that I had taken over somebody's life it was really weird but now I think that whatever brought me here in the first place fabricated memories and everyone who was supposed to have known me had them placed in their heads to make it seem like I had been here the whole time, that part I really don't know how to explain because I don't know how it happened. And that is only just the tip of the iceberg here there is so much more to this story but I thought that was a good place to start." The red-haired girl locked eyes with him as she bit her lip nervously "so do you have any questions before we get into the next part?"

The blond vampire watched her for a few moments before he spoke "So how can you be from another universe as you called it?"

"I'm working on that but I haven't figured it out yet, it doesn't make sense how I went from my original life and world to this one, I have run every probability that I can think of in my head and I've got nothing that could explain it at least nothing scientific." Talia bit her lip thinking about her powers... could they have had something to do with this? She really didn't know a lot about them, she had only been able to actively use them for 6ish years now, they were awakened when her and Ollie were stranded on Lian Yu...

"Talia?" Jasper's voice broke her from her thoughts.

She shook her head, turning her attention back to him "Sorry, I was just thinking, the only thing that even makes sense is that my powers in some kind of instinctive manner warped reality and sent me here trying to save me... honestly I barely understand them myself, I know what they can do to an extent but beyond that, it's all undiscovered territory."

"Powers what do you mean powers?"

"Right so to start with I am a telekinetic-telepath, and that is just the simple part, it gets more complicated than just that, then there's the Chaos Magic or at least that's what Dr. Wells called it." then she let tendrils of scarlet mist dance around her fingers as her eyes glowed the same color as a tiny ball of scarlet energy formed in her open palm.

After her demonstration she let it dissipate and her eyes went back to normal as well "that is where my telekinetic and telepathic powers come from, from what Dr

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After her demonstration she let it dissipate and her eyes went back to normal as well "that is where my telekinetic and telepathic powers come from, from what Dr. Wells told me it was a dormant mutated gene that under any normal circumstance I could have gone my entire life with it dormant and never even known that it was there but..." she trailed off as a shiver ran down her spine thinking back to that cold room where she had been kept strapped to the table with all those difference mixtures of chemicals and stuff being injected into her body, she shook herself out of the memories looking Jasper in the eyes "but the activation of my powers was anything but normal and I don't really want to talk about that right now, that was a very dark and unpleasant time, I'll tell you about it at some point but just not now."

He could feel the sadness rolling off her in waves just thinking about that time so he nodded "okay Talia, what else is there then?"

She gave him a grateful smile at not pushing her to talk about that, "okay so the last thing that is really relevant at the moment is that, I know almost everything that is going to happen over the course of the next few years, which makes my warnings to your brother make sense because I know how it ends and I am just trying to save everybody the hassle that my sister is going to cause."

He gave her a surprised look "you know about us? How do you know about us?"

She smiled at him "in my original life, this entire world is fictional a book series and a movie franchise, I read the books and I've seen the movies, though I guess some things have been altered with my presence here, like in the original series, there were only 5 Cullen 'siblings' Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and you."

I feel so mean for leaving this on a cliffhanger like that but I couldn't resist XD 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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