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Eddie was in the drama room, a crumpled piece of paper in his clenched fist, seething with rage as he glared at the kid in front of him. "You. Did. What?!" His fists slammed down on the table, scattering the game pieces and notes from the now abandoned campaign Hellfire Club had just started. "Are you out of your tiny fucking mind? Tell me Henderson, really tell me, are you mentally deficient?" Dustin's cherubic cheeks flushed and he looked at his feet.
"I thought it was a good idea! Everyone else agreed" he shrugged. "It's just a talent show, you've done one before..." Eddie shook his head violently as Gareth stood up subconsciously acting as a barrier between Eddie and Dustin, "yeah, a middle school talent show. When we agreed we thought you'd signed us up for a real gig, not the winter talent show. Can't you just, un-sign us up?"
"It's too late," Mike kept his eyes down and hastily cleared everything off the table before Eddie's next inevitable outburst, "my sister said the list is set now. Look Eddie, honestly no one will be there, it won't be that bad."
"Oh there better fucking be people there if we can't back out. I'm not wasting my time doing this shit if no one sees us. We do that enough at the Hideout" Eddie looked around the room pointing at everyone "if I don't see every single goddamn one of you shitheads there, either on stage with my or in the crowd, I will make your lives hell. Especially you Henderson." The group mumbled in agreement, giving Dustin the opportunity to rush to the door.
"I signed up Y/N too, I should probably go and tell her. You should start practicing, make sure you're good for the show" He only just made it out the door as a heavy book came flying across the room and hit the spot he'd just been standing in.
"Y/N? Who the fuck is Y/N?" Eddie slumped in his chair. It was hard to fly under the radar at Hawkins High. Eddie Munson knew that better than anyone, which made it surprising that he had no idea who you were.
"You know, Y/N?" Lucas asked "everyone knows her? You knew..." Eddie shook his head and Lucas trailed off, his long mane flying around his face. You were just a name with no face to him. The more he tried to place you the more he struggled so he stopped. He closed his eyes, pressing his fingers to his temples "I need a smoke. Campaign can start again next week."


The weeks leading up to the talent show passed too quickly for Eddie's liking and the night he was dreading was finally here. He was sitting on a lumpy couch in the makeshift green room behind the stage surrounded other acts. He'd agreed with the rest of the band that they would arrive early to go through the song a few more times, but he found himself alone. Cursing his band mates silently he looked around the room, trying to figure out who was going to do what and how long he should wait before leaving, consequences of backing out last minute be damned. He felt the couch dip and tilted his head slightly to see you sitting at the other end. He looked away again, oblivious to who you were.
"Jesus fucking Christ these guys are so bad. Think the next act will be better or worse?" you turned to ask him. He looked back at you and scoffed.
"Worse. Way worse. Think these might be the best of the night, at least until I'm up. If I go on." You smiled at Eddie and he had a small flash of familiarity. There was something about you he thought he recognised but he couldn't figure it out. He pretended to fiddle with his watch until you looked away so he could look back at you. He started at your black combat boots, eyes travelling slowly up your bare legs towards the oversized t-shirt you were wearing, the hem of your black cycle shorts just visible beneath it. He tried to make out the logo on the shirt as you turned around and he realised he was staring directly at your chest. His eyes widened in both surprise and embarrassment and he quickly looked away hoping you hadn't noticed. You hadn't.
The act on stage had finished and the audience were applauding politely as the next act made their way out of the green room.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you like magic!" You giggled at the words and turned back to Eddie.
"You were right. Way worse, sure the next one will be better though." He smiled at you, "doubt it. So, uh, you like Iron Maiden?" He motioned at your shirt.
"Sort of, my brother got me into them but I've not listened to them for a long time. He got me into a lot of stuff, Sabbath, Billy Idol, Mötley Crüe.." you reeled off counting them on your fingers. Eddie stared at you waiting for you to finish your list. "... but I got him into Kiss which he would never admit." He couldn't believe a girl in Hawkins would like metal, least of all a pretty girl. A really, really pretty girl. Before he could say anything the side door swung open and the rest of his band finally arrived. Eddie jumped up and raced across to them ready to berate them of their tardiness. He glanced back at you but you'd disappeared.

His best Friend's Sister: Eddie MunsonXFemale ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now