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Xavier's School
For Gifted
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It was July 23rd and the father-daughter duo was now on a flight to New York, they were meeting with Charles tomorrow for Calissa's official registration to attend the school and then Cali is going to be given a tour of the school and shown her bedroom.

She would have the next two weeks to settle in and learn the ropes of how things operate, Cali was excited but also nervous since this would be a whole completely new environment for the young mutant.

There was about an hour left before they landed at the Westchester County Airport where they would be taken to their hotel for the night. The father-daughter duo had a very big day tomorrow.

An hour later Cali was watching as the plane descended since she was sitting by the window, this was the first time that she had ever been on an airplane before, Charlie smiled fondly at her barely-contained excitement, he might have been wary about this at first, but seeing his little girl because no matter if she's his by blood or not she is his little girl, this happy and excited about all of this makes it worth it.

A little while later they made their way off the plane and into the airport once they were inside Charlie grabbed Cali's hand to make sure they didn't get separated in the busy airport and made the duo made their way to the baggage claim and waited for their things to come around, after locating their bags, they made their way to the front of the airport.

A little while later they were dropped off at their hotel, Charlie picked up the room key and they went to their room to put their bags down and then headed out to find a place to have dinner at, it was around 8 PM now so after dinner they were going to go back to the hotel and get some rest.

The Next morning Cali was up bright and early, she was already showered and dressed by the time her dad had gotten up, he laughed "excited kiddo?"

Cali nodded "yeah dad, I am."

Charlie nodded at her "Well I'm going to get ready and we can grab some breakfast and then head over to the School for our meeting."

Cali nodded she was nearly bouncing in excitement Charlie dropped a kiss on her head as he passed.

Once Charlie was ready he got all of their things together and they made their way out of the room to head out and get some breakfast then they were going to come back to the room grab their things and then check out and catch a cab to the address of the school that Charlie had written down.

After they ate just as they planned the father-daughter duo made their way back to the hotel and grabbed their things Charlie checked out and got a cab and told the cab driver the address of where they were going and they were off.

10 minutes later the cab pulled into the driveway, Cali's eyes widen in shock as she saw the size of the school, she had never seen a building this big before in her life. Once the cab came to a stop they were let out and Charlie paid the guy after he had gotten their things from the trunk.

Cali had this look of awe on her face as they made their way to the front door, Charlie rang the doorbell and a minute later the door was opened by Jean who was smiling at the two.

The young mutant smiled at the red-haired woman "Hi Jean."

The woman looked at the younger girl "Hello Calissa." Then she looked at Charlie "Mr. Swan." They walk inside the doors, Jean looked back at the young mutant "we'll have your things brought to your room and after your meeting with the Professor I'll give you and your father a tour of the place and show you where your bedroom is.'

Cali nodded at the woman "Okay, thank you." The father-daughter duo was led to Charles' office by Jean.

An hour later all the paperwork was signed and Cali was officially a student at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, the girl had a grin on her face as the meeting concluded, Charles smiled at her "welcome to the school Calissa, now Jean is going to be giving the two of you a tour and show you to your room."

Charlie stood from his seat and shook the Professor's hand "thank you." The professor nodded at him. Then the trio exited the office and Jean smiled at the two "we figured that you would be a little more comfortable with your father present for the tour since this is all a new environment for you and everything."

"Thank you." Cali appreciated that even though she was excited about everything she was still being placed in a new and unfamiliar environment so being able to have her dad there for this part made her happy.

She grabbed her dad's hand as they made their way through the mansion behind Jean since she was showing Cali everywhere that she needed to know the locations of, she was shown most of the classrooms and everything. as they came to the end of the tour Jean smiled at the girl again "alright Calissa, that is everything of importance right now, you will see other parts of the mansion at later dates but right now that is everything you need to see." the trio came to a stop in front of a closed door, Jean opened the door revealing a decent sized bedroom, it's not too big but it's also not too small either "this will be your bedroom, while you are here." Cali noticed her stuff sitting on the bed and nodded at Jean.

"Thank you, Jean."

The redhead smiled back "you're welcome, now I will give you two some space to talk, privately." then she walked out of the room closing the door behind her leaving the father-daughter duo alone.

Charlie looked at his daughter "so what do you think kiddo?"

Cali grinned at him "this is gonna be a fun experience dad, this place is already amazing."

Charlie smiled at her accepting the answer she gave, and a little while later the father-daughter duo was saying goodbye, for now, Cali hugged her dad, who was smiling down at her "I love you kiddo, I'll talk to you soon." and if the man teared up slightly at leaving his daughter well he wouldn't openly admit to it.

"I love you too Dad, I'll call you as often as I can." Charlie hugged her tightly and kissed her on the head.

After her dad left Cali went back to her new room to look around it and get a little more familiar with her new space.

Welp here is chapter 3, Cali is now at the school and the next chapter will be her exploring a little and her first training session to work with her telepathy.  

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