Together Again. Chapter Twenty.

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Chapter 20.

The Next Day.

A knock echos through the kitchen and living room. I push myself up off the couch rub my probably dark, red, eyes. I open the door to see a smiling Zoey.

"Hey." She says softly.

Cold, windy, air brushes against me, making me wrap the blanket around me more. "Um, Hi."

"May I come in?" She asks.


She walks in and I closes the door behind her. I walk over to the couch and sit back down on it as Zoey follows.

"Can we talk?"

"Isn't that why your here?"

"Well yeah."

"Then talk."

She sits next to me, "Look, I'm sorry about the other day. I feel so horrible. That was a bitch move I did. I shouldn't of called you all those names. I didn't mean any of it. I was jealous, You have Mr. Evans who is amazing for you, and then you have this who knows what coming on to you. You get all the guys. I know it's not an excuse. I'm really sorry, Jordyn. Could you ever forgive me?"

I smile slightly, "Don't give me those puppy dog eyes." I sigh. "Zo, your my sister. I can't stand to lose you after what I've been through. And yes I can forgive you, it's kinda hard not too."

She wraps me up into a big hug, "Thank you, Jordyn!"


I sip on my raspberry ice tea as Zoey starts to make weird faces at me. I smile and join in on the ugly faces. She laughs and begins to slurp her lemonade.

"So Missy, when was the last time you saw Mr. Evans?"

"Um the last time we had school."

She sighs, "Friday! It's Sunday now, and we don't have school for two days."

"I know."

"How come you haven't seen him?" She questions.

"No clue. I guess he's busy."

She coughs and brushes her hair out of her face, "You haven't talked?"


"Why not?"

"Because he's working."

She laughs slightly, "He's working? Is he lying to you now? Because teachers don't usually go to school on a weekend, especially Sunday!"

"Calm down, he's working like he has to organize his classroom and he has like meetings with other teachers and stuff, plus he asked for me to help him organize sometime this week like maybe Monday."

A smile creeps its way onto her face , "You need to talk to him!"

I laugh, " Okay I will. I promise. We aren't even actually dating."

"Come on you need to make a move."

"Oh wow! Yeah we will have to see about that."

"You need to get him all hot for you!" She exclaims, I could tell she was getting ready to squeal.

I laugh again, " Oh please Zo."

Her smile turns  into a bigger one, "Maybe with a heated make out session!" She begins to fan herself.

I look down as my cheeks begin to turn pink, "Shut up!"

"Oh Jordy, you have too! You two are so cute together!" She squeals. "Plus you two have been together for almost two months now! And never have I ever seen the two of you kiss, hug, or even hold hands."

I roll my eyes, "That's not a very long time, and we can't really be seen in public, you know that. We aren't actually dating yet."

She leans into her chair and she starts to slip down slowly, "Ah I know I know. I'm just so happy for you two, your just the cutest together." she says with a small smile.

I smile slightly, "Thank you."

Zo looks behind me and her eyes get huge, her smile became ear to ear and she squeals. I turned around and see Mason walking towards us.

"Hello Ladies." He says, with a smile on his face.

"Hi Mr.Evans!" Zoey chirps.

"Zoey please call me Mason."


I smile at the both of them.

"Jordyn, can I take you out to dinner tonight?"

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