Chapter three

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Damien POV

I was now presently on my way to the Spanish mafia headquarters to collect some important files. I asked the flight attendant how long it will take till we land and she said two hours, I was doing some work to pass the time I then checked my messages I saw a text from my dad it says that the Italian mafia has sent a proposal for an alliance with the American and Spanish mafia and that I am in going to represent him during the alliance meeting .

When we finally landed and I was off the plane I took out my phone and called Fiona I asked her whether she got the letter she said she did I then proposed that it would be better if they moved during the summer break so it won't look suspicious if they just left I few day after school started she agreed and cut the call .

I was staying in my hotel typing and finishing up some work when I finished and I was about to shut down my laptop when Fiona's pictures just popped up there was pictures of her at home, at her school and dropping off Alex then my laptop turned off I didn't understand what going my phone then rang it was an unknown number I answered the call i heard did you get the photos,he then said say goodbye to your little friend while you can he then laughed and ended the call. I called her she didn't answer I called again and again but the line wasn't going . I called Axel but the line wasn't going I called him again the line still wasn't going, i got into my car and I was driving to their school i decided to call her office phone but instead of Fiona it was her secretary that answer I asked her where Fiona was she said she should be at home by now.

I changed the root I was going to and started driving to her house i decided to call her again but the line still didn't go, I called her brother and finally he answered i asked where he was he said he was out buying snacks and drinks I asked him where Fiona was he said she was at home I got to their house. I then saw someone grab her forearm and hit something over her head, i just carried my gun and shoot him right between his eyes he released his grip on her I walked over to her and carried her to the back seat just as we drove off the building exploded. I was happy I got there on time i decided to stop and check for any injuries there was a small cut by the side of her head where blood was sipping out.

I called Axel and told him to meet me at the hotel I'm staying he said he'll meet me there he just needs to pick up Fiona i told him that she's with me, leaving out the part that she's unconscious I called one of my dad's friend that was a doctor I told him to please meet me at my hotel in the next ten minutes he agreed. I then drove off to the hotel.

I came into the hotel carrying Fiona up to my hotel we did get some stares by some people and who wouldn't look when a teenager boy is carrying an unconscious teenager girl but one glare from me and they were minding their business. I laid her on the bed and after a few minutes Axel came in with a sleepy Alex who soon fell asleep on the armchair. Axel asked me what happened and I told him everything and that's when the doctor entered he checked up on her, treated her wound and gave her an injection he wrote down some prescription for her i thanked him and payed him, I went to buy the drugs.

I entered the hotel and went to my room I saw that Fiona had a small smile as she was running her hand through Alex hair who was currently sleeping on the bed I just smiled. Are you okay; I asked, apart from the irritating headache I'm good; she said.

I called the airport to get my jet ready in one hour. I told them we are leaving now Axel went to carry Alex, i just put my laptop in my suitcase since i didn't unpack, Fiona was already at the door we went to the receptionist and returned the room key.

We were taking their car I dropped my suitcase in the truck I went to the driver's seat, Fiona took the passenger seat and Axel was at the back seat with with Alex head on his lap sleeping. We arrived at the airport and we were on the plane. We were all in our seat soon we all fell asleep, I woke up when I heard the pilot say we were landing. I turn to Alex and Axel to see were still sleeping I thought Fiona would be too but she was awake and she was reading a novel she saw me and said good morning I said good morning to her.

Author's note: Hope you're liking the story so far, the brothers will soon come in. Bye.

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