Chapter Eighteen

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Then the announcement that left Marcus and my brothers except Axel speechless, can we all applaud for the leader of the Spanish mafia queen Fiona Lorenzo and daughter Mr and Mrs Smith, everyone clapped even my brothers who were still shocked by the news, Marcus just looked confused. The ball was gonna be something.

Back to the present

Fiona's POV

As my brother brought me back to reality, they were about to announce me as the leader of the Spanish mafia, but then one man who seems to be from my Mafia spoke, the leader can be announced since she hasn't come of age, she has to be at least seventeen and last time I checked she wasn't seventeen so that means you can't announce her until the next Mafia ball; he said, it took everything in me not to shoot him in the head and send him six feet under.

Mr and Mrs Smith had to agree so I'm with my brothers now Lucas got a call and after answering it his been glaring at me and muttering curses under his breath. When it was 12:00 my twin and I turned to each other grinning like children, it was finally our birthday and we were seventeen, we excuse ourselves and then gave each other our first gifts it was always a tradition for us, I gave him a watch which he can contact me with whenever and wherever because he gets worried about me easily and nobody can hack into it afterall nobody can hack into anything I use, he gave me a lovely bracelet that had our initials on it, I can't wait for us to give each other our remaining gifts and also it would be our first one with our brothers after coming back.

After the ball Lucas still kept glaring daggers at me, if looks could kill I would have been a dead person. When we arrived home I went upstairs to change into sweatshirt and leggings, after eating Lucas told Alex to go to sleep, I dropped my plate in the dishwasher and wanted to go for a good night sleep that was until my Lucas dragged me to the living room and threw me against the wall, Matteo and Riccardo didn't look surprised just a cold emotionless face was all I could see but my other brothers looked shocked by my brother's action, I was still in shock I didn't realize I was slowing slipping into the darkness I could not breathe that was until I noticed the reason was because  Lucas hand was wrapped around my neck,my twin and the twins tried to come to my rescue but then Matteo and Riccardo were holding the twins while my twin was in shock he was looking at a girl who just came in a girl who looked just like me, Lucas soon removed his hand when black dots started appearing and my vision became blurry.

Apparently this girl is pretending to be me and my brothers believe her or at least that what I thought before my twin rushed to my side and so did the twins but what shocked me the most was when my other brothers went over to the girl called her Fiona and hugged her.

Antonio, Camillo and Axel all tried to convince my other brother it wasn't me but they didn't listen and then my other brothers injected them with something and they fell unconscious, I can't believe my own brother doesn't know the difference between an imposter and their sister, two men who I did realize were here before picked me up. You really thought you could trick is right and that you'll come and harm our family; Lucas said to me which made me confused they thought I was the imposter.

It's been two days since then and it is Christmas and since then I've been beaten and bruised, I have broken ribs and my stomach are different shades of purple, my neck which still has the hand print of my dear brother.

I heard the door to my cell open and the devil herself was there, I'm done making you suffer no matter how I want revenge on them I won't take it out on you anymore what they've done will hunt them forever the same Sorella that swore to protect is the same one they are hurting, if you still have any strength remaining the door is open you can leave and even have a shower; the imposter said.

I took up on her offer and truly the cell door was open, as I walked up from the basement to upstairs I realized no of my brothers were there except for Alex who was playing with his tablet, I showered and wore Antonio's hoodie which I stole and black leggings I left my hair down I didn't have the strength to pack it up, I went up to Alex and told him good bye and lied to him I'll be going for boarding school but truthfully told him I'm coming back, since I don't want to be tracked I left using the safe room in my bedroom, I went to the school then went to Marcus house, because Mr and Mrs William won't mind, I need to clear my head and it the last place they'll think of looking. I finally reached his house using the last strength I had remaining to ring the doorbell Marcus open the door and his bored and emotionless face turn to one of concern and worry, hi; I said before my knees buckled thankfully Marcus catching me just in time, can I stay here please; I said my throat already dry and body weak from lack of food, he carried me bridal style as I slowly feel asleep.

Marcus POV

There was nothing to do my parents told me to rest because of all the work I did during the past two years I was under cover. Just when I thought about going to sleep, I heard the doorbell I thought it was carollers because it Christmas but I saw Fiona she looked weak, dark eye bags like she didn't sleep for days, my breath hitched when I saw red hand prints on her neck my I started to get worried.

I heard a faint hi and then she fell but I caught her just in time she asked if she could stay why is she asking me that of course she can she doesn't even need to ask, i picked her up and she fell asleep as I carried her to my room.

I laid her down and accidentally added a little force to her stomach to which she winced in her sleep, I lifted her hoodie and saw purple shades on her stomach, I called a doctor who was a friend of mine to come and examine her, he asked how her condition was and I explained it to the best I could and he hung up.

Finally when he came he examine her, bandage her up and gave her medicine that she will have to take, I thanked him and told him to keep it confidential to which he nodded to. I'll go and prepare for her breakfast since she should he waking up in an hour, I'll tell my parents about Fiona when they get back next year.

Lucas POV

When we all came back the imposter was gone, I don't know how my brothers can't see through her lies and see that she's not Fiona, I knew she was an imposter from the moment she stepped foot into the ball, I got a call from Fiona explaining everything that they would try to trick us with a fake Fiona.

I went to check on Fiona and she was laughing not sweet and innocent but psychotic, this soon gathered all my brothers, I was left shocked as she removed her face and that's when I realized she was the imposter, I shot her immediately but as she was dying her final words good luck getting your sister back after what you did to her, I could Matteo, Riccardo and I felt guilt while the others just looked ashamed and disappionted in us, we have to find her we have to bring our Sorella back to us.

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