Chapter Twelve

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Fiona's POV

My brothers grounded me and took my phone away for going out without telling them. I willingly gave it to them afterall it's not the one I use for work, i've been distracting myself with reading, homework and anything I can do to keep myself busy. It's Friday finally school's will be over for the week,after our talk I haven't been seeing Marcus, he's completely avoiding me he even changed his schedule so we don't bump into each other.

Now I'm sitting with Zoey in our last class before break, she didn't act like her over energetic self she passed me a piece paper then took excuse from the teacher to go to the restroom. I read the paper which says that I should go to the restroom, I took excuse and left.

When I got there she told me her period started and she forgot to bring tampons, she asked if I could go and ask the nurse, I went to the nurse but sadly they didn't have any but they gave me a permission slip to leave school and go buy some I went back to Zoey and told her that I was going to a shop to buy it. I went to buy it as I was coming back i felt like I was being followed I quicken my pace and I reached school I gave Zoey the tampons she took one and put the rest in her bag it was already lunch so we went drop our stuff in the locker and we went to the cafeteria.

As we unpacked our lunch I saw an angry Antonio walking towards us. Where did you go, he growled earning some stares, to buy something and I already had a permission slip; I answered. You're not suppose to go anywhere without telling us, you could have at least call; he said how?, I don't have my phone remember; I snapped back. You're in trouble now let's see what Lucas will  say about this; he said. I'm sorry; Zoey said both Antonio and I turned to look at her, it's my fault she only went out because of me, she helped to buy some stuff that I needed I didn't mean to get her into trouble, with that she left, nice going; I hissed at him and left not even eating my lunch.

As I went to look for Zoey I heard muffled sobs from the girls toilet I peeked and saw two guys had pinned Zoey to the wall I stormed in. Well look what we have her; one of the boys said, looks like we're going to have more fun; the other one said, the one that pinned her release his hold on her as he did that she ran to me and told me to run and leave her, yeah I had other plans, one of them tried to grab her but I pushed him back I told her go to Axel with that I shoved her out of the door. Looks like you want us all to yourself one of them said with a smirk, i actually pity this fools because now I can pour all my anger on them, I had beaten them up one had a bloody nose while another had a busted lip and a black eye, then the door was slammed open, I saw a relived Axel, a worried Antonio, an angry camillo and Zoey crying I walked passed my brothers and went to Zoey who dragged me to the nurse because of my bruised knuckles after that we went to our classes for the remaining day.

After school I went to my twin and we both talked and walked to the car where our brothers were we entered the car without saying a word. I was not in the mood to talk to anyone I was angry at how my brother reacted to the situation but I wondered how they knew did hire people to follow me is that why I felt like someone was watching me, I dismissed it, maybe it's because I wasn't in class.

We went home and Lucas didn't even want to hear what I had to say he scolded me he said things along the lines of how can you be so irresponsible, I'm starting to think you're doing this just for fun, must you always get yourself into trouble, can't you just follow the rules that we've given you, I'm disappionted in this behavior, he grounded me again, banned me from my phone, laptop and headphones he told me to give it to Camillo.

I excused myself I have everything to Camillo, and went upstairs I went to help Alex study after that, I went to my room locked the door and then placed a chair under the handle, I did my homework, read my books and trained after that, I took a warm shower, I went to bed and scrolled through my emails, apparently they shifted the alliance meeting to December I guess the sooner the better, I got a text from Mr and Mrs Smith ( our adoptive parents,the former leader of the Spanish mafia and our saviors from our foster mom) they are going to be staying in the house since we left they just came to finish up some legal business about their company. I'll always be grateful to them they took in two ten years old and a baby and gave us a good life and treated us like their children because they didn't have any, maybe I'll get to see them .

I heard a knock, I hid the phone in my drawer and I opened the door to see Matteo, he gave me all my devices he Lucas said I can have them and I'm no longer grounded, I just nodded, so this is his way of apologising after he found out the whole story, I carried it from my brother and placed it in the drawer, I didn't want to use it anyway. He told me dinner was ready but I really didn't feel like eating but he just dragged saying I didn't eat lunch there's no way I'm skipping dinner too.

We went downstairs and I sat in between Matteo and Axel, I finished my food quickly and wanted to excuse myself, but Lucas called for a family meeting everyone except for Alex was present, Alex went to bed but even if he hadn't I have a feeling they wouldn't have allowed him to be present.

They were talking in Italian my twin and i understand Italian but it takes a few minutes to understand what their saying all I could translate before they turned to us was should we tell, they need to now so they'll be careful especially since it looks like their after me.What do we need to be careful of, what should we know and who's after Fiona. All of them looked shocked by my twin's outburst, we are half Italian did you really think we didn't know Italian; I stated. They all turned to Lucas waiting for him to answer our questions.

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