Waking up

125 4 3

Claire P.O.V

"Put the girl in one of Raccoon City secret lab and put the boy in the Antartica Base make sure Ashford doesn't know he's there got that"

"Yes Sir"


That was the day Ozwell E. Spencer betrayed me and my brother. He separated me and my brother. I don't know why he spared us when he could have easily killed us after I made that threat, but he didn't for some odd reason.
I been asleep for I don't know how many years since that day. I can sense that my brother is also asleep but confused. I can tell that he doesn't know where he is I been trying for a very long time to tell him that he is asleep but the message doesn't get through to him. I'm guessing it doesn't work because where asleep.

Me and my brother have this thing where we can feel others emotions and other stuff like we can feel if we got hurt or something like that. I don't know it started when Spencer injected us with a syringe. They have a different color. Mine was neon greenish blue and Chris was neon greyish blue.
Ever since Spencer injected us with that I notice are eyes changing mine from being green to turn into green and blue. Chris, well his eyes being dark blue turned to neon light blue and grey. I really don't know how his eyes turned to light blue when originally it was dark blue but I'm not going to question it.
We can also sense if anyone is near us but I haven't felt anyone for a very long time until now. I can feel them moving slowly there's multiple of them though. I can sense that there not human though since I can sort of hear moaning from my enhanced hearing. I can also feel something crawling on the walls that I can definitely tell that it's not human since I know damn well humans can't climb on ceilings. I feel it's getting closer to me though. I also hear running that's coming my way. I sense him backing up near my tank. I sense he/her scream before the monster attack him/her.
While doing that the monster attacked the tank that I was resting in releasing me from my sleep.
I wake up and looked around to see that I'm on the floor, glass around me because of the tank I was resting in. I look around the room I was in to see that everything's white except for the blood from that monster killed. Speaking of that monster I look at the ceiling and see that it's still there not attacking me for some odd reason. It's looking at me but not attacking I wonder why. Now that I'm looking at it I can say it's  ugly as hell. It's pink or red, it's sticking out his tongue like it had a delicious meal. I can see it's brain now that I'm looking at it's face I can see that it has no eyes so I'm guessing it can hear loud movements. I can see it has a tiny tail, sharp claws that has blood on it, and sharp teeth. The more I look at it the more it creeps me out since I'm just realizing I'm sort of a naked. I feel like that tongue of it is going to penetrate me if I don't get moving right now.
I look around again to see if there's any clothes to see there's lab coats. That really not gonna help but at least I'll be covered a little. I get up slowly so it doesn't hear me. I started to walk slowly for me to almost fell. I sense that it was looking at me right now ready to attack me. I started running. I was able to get the lab coat and put it on me before the monster can attack me. I ranned to the door opened it and closed it before the monster hit me.
I move away from the door for me to sense movement towards me. I look to my side to see the undead walking towards me. I started to back up to feel my neck hair stand up. I turn around to see a very giant man wearing a black trench coat and a black fedora on his head.

"The hell!"
I see the giant man try to grab me for me to dodge. I decided that I'll take my chances with the undead then this giant man or whatever he is.

I turned around and runned towards the undead. It was easy to dodge the undead because of how slow they are. I kept running not even bothering to check behind me to see if that big man is chasing me.
I started to hear loud thumps. I turned my head a little to see that the big man is chasing me. I started to run faster until I saw a ladder that leaded up with the opening being open. I run to the ladder and climb it. I was halfway there until I felt the ladder shift a little. I look down to see the giant man pulling down the ladder. That was when I knew I needed to climb that ladder faster.

I was so close the opening until I felt the ladder fall down. I jumped to the opening thinking that I wasn't going to make it but I did. I was hanging on the edge of the opening I didn't bother to look at the big man to see if he was going to try to attack me attack. I know he's gonna attack me again because I sensed it. I quickly pulled myself up before he could hit me with the ladder.

I quickly closed the opening not caring if there's anyone else is down there. I only care about myself and my brother no one else.
I wonder what that big man is since I can tell it's not human for sure. I wonder if Spencer sent that thing to kill me before I could even wake up. I mean it seems that thing had a grudge on me for no reason since it was tryna kill me.

I get up to look around to see that I'm in a city that's in a disaster. I look around to see people running from the undead. Screaming, fires and so much more. I'm just glad that my brother is not going through this. I do know that he's safe for right now until he wakes up. At least there's not going to be monsters chasing him around. If he does wake up I hope it's not a crazy family that wants to kill him once they see him and some guy that's there that sees my brother and think that's he's his now. Why do I feel like I jinx myself and screw my brother over it can't be that bad right?.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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