IX. Cullen Coven

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"What if they don't like me? You already said they weren't exactly happy about my presence in the first place." Elizabeth sighed staring at the large, graceful house outside of the car window. The house was rectangular, well proportioned and walls mostly consisting of tall glass windows.

Edward reached over and placed his hand on her leg that was bouncing up and down. "They're going to love you. It's going to be fine." He reassured her. She took a deep breath before he exited the vehicle and in an instant was at the passenger side door, with his vampire speed.

After shutting the car door behind them he placed a hand on the small of her back and led her up the concrete steps to the luxurious home the vampire family lived in. He pushed open the front door motioning for her to enter. As she did, right away she admired the home's interior beauty.

The southern wall almost entirely made of glass, with a beautiful view of the river. Before Elizabeth could even bring herself to gather her words, a pair of footsteps were heard. An exceptionally beautiful woman with wavy blonde hair entered the room along side her was a tall, muscular very handsome man with dimples and slightly curly dark hair. They both shared the same golden eyes that Edward had, as did the rest of his family she would meet. The two walked hand in hand and approached the young witch who stood close by Edward.

"Well, well, well, we finally get to meet the wicked witch of the west we've been hearing about," The dark haired man spoke with a big smile before extending his arm. "I'm Emmet."

Elizabeth gladly shook his ice cold hand sending a small shiver down her body. "Elizabeth," She smiled "so nice to finally meet you as well. You must be Rosalie?"

She looked over to meet the beautiful blonde's gaze, who only seemed uninterested. "Nice to meet you." Rosalie simply responded in a short and sweet tone. Elizabeth kept her small smile going as she'd felt a cold hand placed gently on her back.

"When Alice first brought up this whole witch thing, you're definitely not what I had in mind." Emmet joked easing any tension.

Elizabeth let out a slight laugh

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Elizabeth let out a slight laugh. "Were you expecting the green skin or warts by chance?" She raised her brow smiling at him.

He laughed. "No. Not the warts. Definitely a broom stick though." Elizabeth only laughed a bit at him before he was about to say something else.

"Emmet..." Edward shook his head.

She sent a small wave to them as he led her further into the home towards the kitchen. "Let's see if we can find Esme or Carlisle." As if on queue, a woman with a heart shaped face and caramel colored hair entered the kitchen.

"Elizabeth, so nice to finally meet you." She approached the two with open arms pulling Elizabeth into a hug which she gladly returned. Right away Elizabeth could feel the love Esme carried for her family. Her welcoming embrace brought her comfort.

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