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My eyes flutter open as a look up at my surroundings. I lay on a cold stone floor with dark oak barrels strewn around me. The sound of banging could be heard and some annoying voice screaming "let me out! Let me out! My father will send someone! Let me out" which was not helping with my head ache.
I pick myself off the cold floor and turn my attention to the young blond girl who was screaming. 
"Where are we?" I ask and seem to startle her. She turns around a looks at me with a surprised expression on her face.
"Oh you're awake" she hurries over to me and looks at the gash on my forehead. "I wasn't sure if you were even going to wake up." She looks me in the eyes. "Don't worry my father is going to get us out of here!" She says trying to comfort me. 
"And who is your father exactly?" I ask her as I scan my surroundings for a way to escape. "Well, I'm Ashley gram and my father is the president." She explained. "And this crazy people won't let me out of here!" Her voice went from calm to yelling again with the last part of that sentence.
Why does some shit like this always happen to me? First, I'm narrowly escaping the hell hole of raccoon city and now  I'm stuck in some closet in Spain somewhere with the presidents my daughter. How lucky am I?
I let out a sigh as I see no way to get out of here. "So how long have you been here Ashley?" I ask.
She pulls up the sleeve from her sweater too look at her watch. It looks like it's been at least 24 hours now. I wish I could call for help but they took my phone." She signs and slides down  the wall and places her knees to her chest a buries her face.
Phone..... my eyes widen as I pat down the pockets of my jeans and realize they didn't take my phone. I flip it open and see that I have full battery but no reception. I try dialing the police but with no luck. "Fuck" I say as I flip it closed and put it back in my pocket.
I look over to see Ashley curled up and crying. I take a seat next to her and put my arm around her. "Hey, Ashley it's going to be okay. I'm going to find us a way out of here don't worry!" I try to comfort her.  She looks up from her knees with swollen eyes and tears streaming down her cheek that made her blond hair stick to her face.
"How?"she asked. " there are no windows? No weapon, and no one can hear us? How can we get out of here?" I pull the hair from her cheeks and wipe her tears.
"In moments like this you can't break down Ashley. You need to try to keep it together. I know it's scary but it seems that right now we have no choice but to try our hardest to think of a way try to escape." I tried to be reassuring to her even though I'm not so sure we can get out of this one.
She stands up and pats down the back of her skirt, trying to get the dust from the floor off of it. She wipes the final tears from her eyes "you are right." She agrees and I smile at her reassuringly. "I don't even know your name." She says as I stand up from the floor. "My name is Scarlett." I reply.
She holds her hand out and I shake it. "It's nice to meet you" she says. "So what's the plan?"
I look around once more and think.
"Since you have been in here, has anyone come to check on you?" I ask her
"Yeah, every few hours they come by with water and something to eat." She replies
"and is it just one person or multiple?" I ask her and she thinks for a second before responding.
"I think it's just one person".
"Okay" I say as I look around for something that I can use as a weapon. I see a piece of broken wood with a nail sticking out of it. I smirk and pick it up to examine it.  "Perfect".
"What are you playing to do with that?" She questions me.
"Well, the next time someone comes in we are going to attack them and escape."
"I-I don't know how to fight." She said looking away embarrassed. Figures. She didn't look like she could hurt a fly. 
I pause and think for a second. Then a plan suddenly comes to mind.
"Well, the next time someone comes in, I want you to play dead on the floor, and I'll hide behind the door, and when they least expect it, I'll knock them out and we can escape!" I explained, surprised that I even thought of that.
"Okay I can do that" she said and nodded her head.

Hours had passed of just waiting. To pass the time me and Ashley would play silly games like Rock Paper Scissors, or 20 questions until finally we heard footsteps approaching.  I look at her and nod and we get into position. Ashley sprawled out on the floor, and me, weapon in hand and hidden when the door opens.
We can hear the key insert into the lock and twist, and the door flung open. Almost hitting me in my face. The guard dropped the items that were in his hands and approached ashley, kneeling down. I sneak up behind the guard and whack him in the back of the head with a loud thud. He drops to the floor and suddenly we hear multiple footsteps hurrying our way. Ashley opens her eyes and springs up and I try pulling her out the door with me but she stops. "No I can't, there are too many and they will catch us!" She exclaims you can hear the fear in her voice and see it in her eyes. She's too scared to move.
"Ashley! This might be our only chance! We have to go now!" I yell but she still isn't budging.
The foot steps are getting closer and closer. I let out a sigh and look out the door to see five men in black robes running down the hallway.
"Come on Ashley!" I yell once more. And she is still not budging. I'm running out of time and she has left me no choice.
"Just go! I'll only slow you down!" she yells.
I look at her  and I can feel guilt bubbling up inside me. "I'll come back for you! I promise, and I'll bring help!" She gives me a nod and I take off down the halls. 

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