Cabin in tge woods

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Leon rushed to me to help me up but with my one leg workinging it was a struggle and I ended up hugging him to stand up instead.
"Scarlett, I thought you were dead! How did you survive?!"  He says as he holds me tightly.
" Leon I.." I begin to say as we look into each others eyes. 
My heart raced as he held me closer. I could barely get any words out. I felt so relieved and safe in that moment that nothing else felt like it mattered and I held him tightly and put my face in his chest.
He then reached down and lifted my chin up and kissed me deeply. I didn't want this moment to end.
Unfortunately for me, dr. Death decided to chime in.
"I hate to break up such a romantic scene, but there are more pressing matters to attend to."
Leon breaks his gaze from me and turns to him.
"Huh, you must be the weirdo that attacked Scarlett earlier. You bastard.!" Leon quickly takes out his gun and aims it  with one hand, while holding me in the other.
" And you must be the pretty boy who let her fall off a bridge." The reaper said seemingly unfazed by the gun being aimed at him. 
"Why are you here and what do you want?!" Leon demands.
" I'm here to complete a mission just like you.. Leon." He explains in a slightly ominous tone
"Yeah and what mission is that?!" He says as he holds me tighter.
"I am under no obligation to tell you, so why don't you take the brat downstairs and leave."

Suddenly, my stomach started to feel strange. I couldn't resist the urge to vomit.  I push Leon away and let myself fall to the floor and let it all lose. 

"Scarlett, are you okay?!" Leon asked, very concerned.  I tried to turn  myself in his direction but more came out. 

"Get it out of your system now, another fight it's about to begin." Death said as he slid a gun in my direction.
"What did you do to me!?!" I choke out before vomiting what looked to be black sludge and blood one more time. "It's that stuff you put in me earlier isn't it?!"
"It's simply getting rid of any impurities in your body as well as any internal damage you sustained from the fall. It's interesting, no one has seen it work before."  He seemed slightly amused as he said that.
"She's not your damn lab rat!" Leon yelled as he cocked his gun. "I should have known you umbrella bastards were a part of this!"
Death couldn't  care less that Leon was pointing his gun at him. He seemed more interested in the fact that I was
Suffering on the floor.
"Liliana was a genius to Say the least. But I can't say that I can agree with making her own child suffer this way." He said, being surprisingly empathetic.
As soon as my nausea went away, a rush of adrenaline and euphoria rushed through my body. Something I've never felt before.  I could feel every limb on my body get lighter and no longer ache. 
I pick up the gun and stand up straight, facing death.
"Tell me what just happened! What did you do to me?!"
"I did you a favor girl, if I didn't do that to you, you wouldn't have made it off this island alive."
He stated plainly as he turned his back to face the window. " I guess it's time to put it to the test." He cooed.
Suddenly, Ashley lets out a blood curdling scream as we hear bangs all around the cabin.  Villagers were trying to get in.
Leon rushes down the stairs. I don't follow. I stare at death.  Mixed emotions go through my body. Part of me is happy that I don't feel like shit anymore. The other half of me feels anger and betrayal.
I ball my fist up and ask "can what you did to me be undone?"
He turns around and stares at me. "I don't know. I was just following orders." He explains "now is not the time for this, get ready."  
I huff and storm down the stairs, to see Luis and Leon rushing Ashley into a small tunnel under the stairs, covering it with a shelf.
He turns to see me then goes to lift the cabinet again.
"Scarlett, hurry get in!" He demands.
"I'm not going in there Leon. I need to fight."
"Scarlett you are in no position to-"
"I said I'm not going in there. I'll be fine! Just trust me!" I
"There is no time to argue!" Luis interrupts  as a window shatters and the villagers begin to pile in.
"Shit!" Leon says as he stands up and grabs his gun and begins to shoot.
Usually in an instance like this, I would feel fear and my body would tense up. Now it's as if my body knows exactly what it needs to do without any thought. It's moving on it's own. 
With my gun in hand I rushed to the nearest window and began to shoot the villagers as they entered, occasionally having to duck to avoid flying axes.  However, it seemed that no matter how many  I killed there were more and more trying to get in, causing me to back further and further away until 6-7 maybe even 10 of them started to come at me all at once.
I panicked a little as I pulled the trigger only to hear a clicking sound. My gun had finally run out of bullets.
"Fuck!"  I shouted as I realized I had nothing to reload with. It was in my backpack, upstairs.
I look around for something to use as a weapon when Leon spots me.
"Get down!" He said as he aimed his gun in my direction.
I duck as his bullets fly over my head and the bodies of the villagers fell to the floor. Leon rushes over to me while still shooting.
"Are you okay?" He asks
"Im fine I just ran out of ammo." Explain as we face back to back. More zombies were coming in at all directions and we had nowhere else to go.
"What are we going to do Leon?!"
"We are going to go up! Come on!" He said as he realized that there was a ladder, on one of the pillars that would lead up to the top floor.
Leon pulled me forward and made me climb up first. I don't think I've climbed so fast in my life.
"What about Luis?" I ask as I get to the top.
Leon gets to the top and turns around to see Luis, heading for the stairs. The hoard  followed shortly behind, some even trying to climb the ladder.
I kick it down. Gun fire rings out as, death pulls out an SMG and mows down most of the villagers  on the bottom floor.
" you guys shouldn't have gone down there to begin with."  He said as he pulled a grenade off his vest, pulled the pin, and threw it down, completely obliterating the rest of the villagers.
"You know you could have helped sooner!" I glare at him.
"I wanted to see how the serum worked. Plus, it's not over yet there is still something coming." He said as he pulled the shotgun from the holster securing it on his back.
"You're such an asshole!"
"Your bag is under the table. Grab it." He demanded
I was going to get it, but suddenly something came crashing through the door. A big man with a bull mask on, Weilding a giant sledge hammer.
Leon reached for his gun, but death stopped him.
"This one is mine!" He said As  jumped down  to the bottom floor.
I know that must have hurt Leon's ego as he glared down at him.
The bull man groaned as Death blasted shotgun rounds into him. He began to swing his hammer as Death dodged every blow. 
"Wow he's good." I say as I reload my gun. 
Leon huffed and stared down at him with a slight furrow on his brow.  Was this jealousy I sensed? 
"He has to be good, he is a special agent from umbrella. He goes by HUNK, Human Unit Never Killed." Luis explained.
"I've heard stories about him, but to see him in action is another story. I hear he was also in racoon city the day it fell. He was the only man on his team to make it out alive " He continued.
Leon turned his gaze to Luis " And how would you know that?" Leon questioned him.
Luis seemed taken aback and didn't want to answer Leon's question. This made Leon more suspicious of him.
More villagers began to pile in the cabin again, and we prepared ourselves for another battle.
I put my backpack on my back this time and Leon reload his gun while Luis started to shoot them from the top of the stairs.
All of us could see there would be too many to fight off, even just the three of us. 
All three of us unloaded our guns into the villagers and it wasn't enough. They just kept coming. Chanting grew louder as they filled the cabin.
Hunk had climbed his way back up the ladder and now stood behind us, opening fire.
"Back up!" He demanded as he pulled me back and threw a grenade down the stairs. Once they realized what he did, both Leon and Luis backed away too.
As the grande went off it obliterated most of the villagers , leaving more to trip over the bodies of their dead as they tried to make their way up the stairs.
A voice called from behind us.
"This way! Hurry!" Ashley called out from a doorway leading to the outside.

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