One- shot-two-shot

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Leon hops back into the boat as I settle back into my seat, this time remembering to turn on the light on my bag.

As we take off I examine my new gun. The punisher huh? Can shoot a bullet through two enemies? I'll have to put it to the test.

"Well, at least now you have your own gun," Leon says as he continues looking forward as he rows.

"Yeah, now I'll just need more target practice. "

"I'm sure we will have many opportunities along the way. I'll be sure to teach you a thing or two" he says smirking at the last part of the sentence.

"I've been meaning to ask you-" Leon begins.
"Back in raccoon city,-" he was cut off by the sound of a phone vibrating. He sighs, reaches into his back pocket, and pulls out a phone. His brow furrowed slightly as he made a confused expression and looked at me.
"Do you have a phone on you?" He asked.

I unzip my bag slightly and did through it and phone my phone screen brightly lit up with the caller ID of an anonymous display across the screen.
"Last time I checked I didn't have reception," I tell Leon as I quickly answer the phone and put it up to my ear.
Before I could say anything A deep voice, clearly someone using a voice changer came through the other end.
"Don't talk." It demanded. Not knowing how to react,
I listen silently.

"Gooood girl!" he chimes "Now, let's get down to business. I know where your friend is, his safety all depends on you. If you listen to me and do what I tell you to do he will survive and the both of you can go home. If you fail the mission I'm about to give you he will be killed. Clear your throat if you understand."  he demands.
I clear my throat trying to sound as natural as possible so as to not alert Leon.
"Good. Now I know you are looking for that brat, Ashley Graham. It's not going to be as easy as you thought, and eventually, your journey is going to lead you to a hospital." he explains in the same ominous voice.

I turned off my flashlight so Leon couldn't make out any of my facial expressions.
" you need to obtain a sample of  Helix1, and quantum x. A drop location will be determined later on. for your and your friend's safety, Mr. Kennedy will know nothing of this." he pauses for a second as I hear a clock ticking in the background. "Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind. Good luck Miss Thompson. I'll be watching" he says as he lets out a quiet maniacal laugh, then with that, he ends the call.

My heart began racing and as we exited the cave, slowly I began to become more disoriented and blurry. I could hear Leon talking to me but couldn't make out the words he was saying.

Visions flashed in my head. Memories that I wish I didn't remember.  Shooting Larissa Rodriguez in the head in raccoon city-my father being torn limb by limb by those damn zombies and lastly Daniel.
I can't bear to think about it.

The feeling in my stomach removed me from these visions as I vomited violently off the side of the boat, into the water. As I look down all I can see is blood.

Leon stops rowing the boat and makes his way over to me
"Oh my god Scarlett, are you okay?" he asks me very concerned as he pulls back my hair to avoid any fluids from getting into it.
"Yes I'm fine Leon, I just remembered some stuff from that night,"  I explain as I pop another piece of gum in my mouth.

"You know, you can talk to me about it if you need to scar. I was there that day too."  He says trying to console me.
"Yes I know, thank you Leon." He pats my head and returns back to rowing the boat.

Leon POV

" So what was that phone call about?" I ask her as I tie the boat to the doc.  She pauses for a second then spaces out again. Her rosy cheeks are now pale and her eyes are void of any emotion.
"Scarlett. Scarlett..." I call out to get her attention.

She breaks from her gaze and looks up at me, "are you going to be okay?" I asked her.
There is obviously something wrong with her. It has something to do with that phone call.

" yes I'm going to be fine, lets go.' she says as stands up, I reach my hand out to help her out of the boat.
I grab her shoulders and make her face me. I grab her chin and look straight into her eyes.
" If something happened to you, I need you to tell me. If you lie to me I will know Scarlett."
She stares back in my eyes and I see her falter slightly.
With a blank face and dead tone she replies "It was just static Leon, now leave it alone!" she demands and pushes my hand away.
This was out of character for her. I knew she was lying to me but for what reason?
I'll leave her alone for now, but I'm going to get the truth out of her one way or another.

As we make our way to the path we need to follow, I realize Scarlett left my jacket in the boat.
"Scarlett, I'll be back. I have to grab my jacket." I called out.
"Okay," she calls out as I hurry back to the boat.
As I  pick it up and put it on, the sound of two gunshots rings out. My senses go on high alert as I worry about Scarlett. I rush my way over to the gate and see two dead villagers with mutated heads laying on the ground.

I look at her then at the dead bodies, then back at her. She does the same to me with a surprised face. I have never seen her kill anything with such accuracy before. She must have had some practice while we were apart.

Scarlett's pov

No way I just did that! I didn't hesitate, I just lifted my gun and shot! Feeling proud of myself I smiled but then the realization hit me. I've never clearly hit a shot before. Yes, I have shot the villagers but it always took a few tries. This felt different. My body just moved by itself.
" what the fuck Leon? I've never shot that well before... it. It was like an instinct, I didn't even think, I just shot!"!

"Looks like someone has been practicing."
"Actually, no I haven't, the last time I shot a gun you were with me," I explained.
Leon had a slight look of concern on his face as he pulled out a small flashlight out of his back pocket and walked over to me.

He then grabs my chin and tilts it up as he shines the light into my eyes.
"Has anyone given you any drugs or injected you with anything?" He asks.
I pull away from him, kind of upset that he didn't think I was good enough to shoot that good but I don't blame him. I partly don't believe it myself.
"No Leon, what are you talking about?" I asked him.

"So you throw up on the boat, and start acting weird then suddenly you are a good shot. That's not adding up Scarlett. Something had to have happened since I last saw you."  He said as he started to rummage through his bag and pulled out some blue herbs.

"Eat this." He demands.

"No Leon, I told you! I didn't take any drugs!" I argue with him.

Then I replay all the events that have taken place, the only one that really stands out is the phone call. I was fine until then.
After he said those words about time or whatever, I started to feel sick. But I can't tell Leon.

"I was probably sick because of the boat ride, and when I was under water I probably swallowed a lot of it so I would feel disoriented" I explained to him and begin to walk away.

"Hey, don't you walk away from me Scarlett!" He yells angrily.  But I keep walking.
"We have no time for this Leon! We have to find Ashley!" I yell

Then suddenly I feel something coming at me from behind. Fast! And without thinking. I turn around and catch it.
As I hold a gray rock in my hand I look at Leon.
He had a slight grin on his face to say he knew something wasn't right.
I look back at him in shock. That could have hit me.
"That could have hit me you know!" I yell at him.
He walks close to me and stares me dead in the eye.
"Yes, and five hours ago it would have. Now, something has changed and you need to tell me what it is." He demands.

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