sing this lullaby

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all i hear is fightingfighting

 about what? 

i dont wanna know so 

i dont

as i sit on the floor

 i sing 

 i sing this lullaby

 why do i?

 for my familythere not even 12

 so i sing

 i sing this lullaby

 i sing to drown out the fight

 but when i got loud 

the fighting stopped 

i didn't even know 

i just kept singing 

with my eyes closed

 waiting for my siblings to fall asleep 

i never even heard my parents walk in

 as i sing they watch

they watch me be something they could never be

which is loving

all they do is fight and never see us

they start to cry

as my siblings fall asleep

i finish my lullaby 

tired and sad

but i see my parents 

i say sorry and head to bed

as they say sorry and hugs me for the first time

was i happy?

yes. yes i was

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