Chapter 29:All mine

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Hello it's me again xx So I decided to actually try to post a long chapter (: So How are you guys??Honestly I can't believe that it's May,School is almost over and then Summer!!Haha anyway here's the chapter cx
Ava's Pov:

There he is...His head clear off.It was quiet,Nobody said anything except staring."I can't believe it"Louis said with astonishment clear of his face.Mayiah was standing there holding Alex's head.His body but right next to her feet while his head was in her left hand.

"Thought you could need some help"She said while chuckling and drops the head.

Harry nodded and wrapped an arm around me,Mayiah smiled at us and began talking with the others about something."Well that ended as quick as it started"I laughed.Harry looked at me and chuckled along with me."Your crazy babe"He shook his head and laughed out loud.

"I'm crazy about you"I laughed and giggles.I really don't know why but all the sudden I was all giggly and high spirited?I really don't know what's wrong with me.Harry just stared at me with amusement on his face and he sweetly kissed my temple.

"I believe some of my cheekiness is rubbing off on you"He smirked and kisses my temple again.

"Whos fault is that "I smirked.Harry was about to say something but got cut off by Liam yelling our names.We both looked in their direction and Liam ran up too us."Were going hunting,Harry you tagging along?"Harry shrugged and sighed.

He turned and faced me and kisses my lips quickly,"Ill be back later Love.Please stay safe"I nodded and he took a huge sigh in relief and kisses my forehead and ran off with the others while I made my way back home.Yay.

Like I've said before I can't go draining human beings,Their innocent and done nothing wrong,I mean animals yeah I feel bad but idk it's just different.

I sustained myself on the couch and grabbed the re ore and turned in the television.I flipped through a few channels and nothing was really on.Then I decided to look through Netflix.I scrolled through a few categories and I saw Twilight which made me chuckle a lot.Since I had nothing better to do I watched Twilight.

I can remember when it first came out.Everyone wanted Robbert Patterson all to himself and Taylor Lautner was also thrown in there but I always found myself thinking;Are Vampires even real?Well they obviously do because I'm one and my boyfriend and his friends are one as well.

It's crazy to think about it now,I mean I've been like this for awhile now and I vaguely remember any of my actual human life??Weird isn't it?

Maybe I was missing my old life?Honestly I don't know who I a, anymore..

---A few hours Later---

I was currently in a bath,A bubble bath to be exact.It was nice and relaxing.

The smell of the soap was relaxing and the warm water made it even better.

I heard laughing and chatting going on downstairs,I smiled to myself and got out of the warm bubble bath and got changed into a pair of cotton shirts and one of Harry's T-Shirts before putting my hair into a bun.

I walked downstairs and saw all the boys laughing about something,But there was a surprise.There was a girl who looked pretty identical to me was standing with them.

What the hell?I didn't want to make a big deal and I walked over to Harry who had a stupid goofy smile on his face.All the boys smiled at me.They were drunk,Not drunk wasted is more the word."Hey Harry"I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Oh hey babyy"He dragged out the y syllable.

"Who's she?"I said and looked at her,Causing her to stare at me.Harry looked at the girl and smiled."Oh well she's Niall mate"Niall smiled brightly and kisses the girls cheek sweetly.

Niall's mate?Well I feel better.I smiled formed on my face."Congrats you two"Niall pulled her close."Thank you I'm Amanda by the way"She smiled a friendly smile."I'm Ava"She nodded and flashed a small smile in my direction before talking to Niall.

Harry wrapped his arms around my middle and pulled me against his chest.

"Hey babe"He whispers against my ear causing me to giggle."Hey"I said with a smile plastered on my face.

"I love you Babe"He kisses my temple.How can those three little words make a person feel so on air?As cheesy as it sounds I'm on Cloud 9."I love you too Harry"With that he pressed his soft lips to mine.
Hello (: Hopefully you all liked this chapter x I tried to make it longer and I want to tell you that I'm starting another fan fiction since this one will be ending pretty soon ;( But it's call Unforgettable and I'm still waiting firing the character descriptions but I'm hoping you all enjoy this chapter (:
-Alyssa ⭐️

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