Chapter 23:Jumping to Conclusions

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Hey my lovelies!!
I decided to write another chapter since I haven't listed in awhile.How is everybody??I mean it Summer!!!Ive been addicted to watching all the video diaries again for our fabulous boys!!Anywhoo please vote and comment!!
-Alyssa Aka Mrs.Styles
Ava's Pov:

I couldn't wait for Louis and Eleanor to get engaged they are too cute together.Perrie went out Zayn and Liam and Niall went out hunting.I still refuse to drink from humans it's just digesting.

It was just Harry and I.He has been acting really distant from me lately.He will only give me a small smile.He didn't kiss me goodnight,hell he doesn't even say goodnight to me.

I have decided that it's time to talk to him one on one."Harry"I call out I didn't hear anything but a faint in here from the bedroom.I gulped and grabbed my courage and gave him a smile.

I sat down next to him on the bed and he didn't move or anything he just stared at the wall."Harry what's your problem"It came out alittle harsher than I wanted it to be but I wanted answers.

He looked alittle taken back."What's your problem"He mimicked."How about you and Louis"He spat.Was he really fucking serious.

"Omfg I went with Louis to get something for Eleanor!!"I said getting really irritated.He looked at me with anger flashing across his face."Your over reacting"I sighed laying forcefully on the bed.

"Ava why are you so fucking stubborn!!?Everything has to be perfect,Thus and that just shut the fuck up"He screamed.Tears threatened to fall but I blinked them away.

"Harry stop fucking freaking out!!Nothing is going on,I went shopping with fucking Louis!!Im not a fucking whore who would drop you!!"I screamed.He shook his head."Check again Ava"He said threw clenched teeth.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now!Harry I love you a lot to ever let you go!!You are arrogant and fucking selfish and cocky as fuck.You need a damn reality cheek Styles.Im only asking a question and your assuming something is going on with Louis and I are you serious??!!"I bellowed.

I had no control anymore I was freaking out.Harry looked quite taken back by me outburst but sphere chuckled bitterly.

"Fuck you Ava"He smirked.That snapped me and I felt like I was going to kill myself."Fuck you Styles don't come looking for me because I'm definitely not coming back until you get your shit straight!"I screamed throwing the bracelet Harry got me.

I threw it on the ground and I roughly passed Liam and Niall."Ava-"I cut him off."Please leave me alone"I pleaded not wanting to be here."What happened"Liam looked concerned.

"Ask Harry,Your pal"I spat looking at the door.Liam looked at Niall who shrugged and continued looking at me.I walked towards the door.

"Where are you going"Niall called from behind me."Away don't come looking for me"I said quietly before slamming the door behind me.

I ran,I don't know where I just ran.I stopped at a little lighted area if the forest and just stood there.I heard something behind me.

I saw a man around Harry's age and I glared at him."Hello,I'm Dylan"He put his hand out.I hesitated for a moment before I shook his hand,"Ava"I said slowly.

He nodded and placed his hands in his pant pockets."So Ava what we you doing out here all by yourself??"I don't know if I should tell him or lie.

"I'm having boyfriend troubles"I grumbled.He nodded."Same well my girlfriend"He said slowly.I nodded,"Your really pretty"He smiled.

I blushed looking at the hem of my shirt."Thank you"I smiled.I heard my phone vibrate and I saw a message from Harry.

Harry:Please come home I'm worried and we need to talk

I sighed putting my phone back in my pocket,Dylan smiled at me."Well I have to get going"He nodded."May I get your number??"He scratched the back of his neck.I nodded and I gave him my phone and I gave him mine.

Once we exchanged numbers we said our goodbyes and I headed back home.The house was quiet and I saw Harry and he gave me a smile and I glared at him.

"Ava I'm sorry okay.I understand that your pissed and I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions"I shook my head."You think you could just apologize fir being a dick"I was horrified.

"Yes"He murmured quietly."Your unbelievable"I spat,just my luck I got a new message and I saw it was from Dylan."Who is that??"He tried looking over my shoulder."Non of your business"I snapped.

He growled at me and I ignored it.I was going yo text him back but Harry snatched my phone Way and he threw it on the ground.Luckily it didn't break or anything."What the fuck Harry!"I bellowed pushing him way from me.

"Who the hell is Dylan??"He growled."He's a friend I met in the forest he was very polite"I defended."What were you doing in the forest without me"He said through gritted teeth.

"That was the damn point I wanted to get away from you because you were assuming shit"I said in a duh tone.

"Look Ava I'm sorry okay,We all make mistakes I know I have a bad temper,please don't be mad at me"He looked awful sad and that broke me more.

I sighed bit nodded."I'm sorry babe"He pulled me in a hug.I hugged him back and I could feel him smile

"I love you"He whispered his eyes looking down at my lips."I love you"I smiled.He kissed me passionately on the lips.I ran my fingers through his hair and that caused a moan to come from his throat.

I pulled a away and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.I heard a knock at the door and I saw Dylan.I smiled,"Hello"I waved.

He smiled."May I come in??"I was debating if I should or not since Harry is here."Come in"I opened the door wider.He stepped in and we walked to the living room.

"Harry we have a guest"I shouted.Harry stood right in front of me."Hello I'm Dylan"He reached out his hand.I looked at Harry and he sighed shaking his hand."What are you doing here??"I tried to sound rude.

He laughed,"Sorry you dropped this necklace so I wanted to return it for you"He handed my mothers necklace."Thank you"I pulled him into a hug.Harry was just shooting Dylan glares.

It was really awkward."Well I'm going to get going nice meeting you Harry"He said quickly and left the house.I turned to face Harry and he shrugged."You could of been nice"I sighed.

Harry had the bracelet in his hand and he gave me a odd expression.I nodded and he put the bracelet back on."There it shouldn't leave ever again"I nodded.

The boys came home they were in a hyper active mode.We all waited for Eleanor and Louis to walk through the door.

We all decided to watch a movie and I was cuddled against Harry who has his arm around my waist.

We heard Louis voice and Eleanor came running giving me a hug."I'm so happy for you El"I smiled.She showed the ring around and everybody gushed on how beautiful it was.Louis came and gave he a huge bone crushing hug.

"Thank you so much"He smiled.I waved him off.Im just happy that Eleanor is happy and that Louis is happy(:
Here is another chapter!!(:
Sorry if it was short,Anywhoo please vote and comment!
-Alyssa Aka Mrs.Styles

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