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She lifts her hand to punch again but I realize a hand is wrapped around her wrist, one bigger than hers. "Simons said enough!" Hyunjin yells, staring at her. Was that anger detected in his tone? I was breathing heavy and tears had brimed my eyes. She got off of me, and looks down at Hyunjin, "Let's go."

"Are you okay?" He ask ignoring her. His eyes stare into my own worriedly. I took out ny mouth piece, Shaking my head as the memories just kept coming back. My hands went over my face as I try to not let a single sob escape. I didn't want them to hear me. He helps me stand up. I hide my face into his chest to hide my tears. I feel dizzy and there was so much sharp pains, it lingering. I back away from him to cough and blood cames out of my mouth.

"What are you doing?!" Simons voice booms. He definitely was enjoying that. "Taking her to get help, you fucking idiot," Hyunjin mutters as he helps me out of the ring. Soon as we were far enough I start sobbing, "I can't do this," I cry putting my hands on my knees, trying to take deep breaths. I stand up and turn away from him covering my face and my body shook. "I can't, I can't," my tears trickle down my face.

"I'm sorry Jasmine," he says behind me with such a soft tone. "Come on let me carry you," he says. My legs are shaking, my hands are shaking, my stomach hurts. I sigh turning back around to let him see me. "There's so much blood," he mutters, looking down at me. He picks me up and I sniffle the whole way to the nurses office. When we enter the empty room we originally started out at. He puts me down on a chair, my legs wobble before I actually sit. He leaves without a word. I wipe my eyes continuing my sniffle fest. Why am I so fucking weak? I wish I could tear that bitch to shreds. Every ounce of dignity I have has been stripped away. He returns quietly and quickly. "Hold this to your nose," he says, giving me a paper towel. "I'm gonna pick you up again, okay?" He asks and I nod.

He puts one arm under my legs and the other behind my back. What felt like light years, we finally entere the registered nurses office. She lets out a loud gasp, "What happened?" She asks worried, instantly grabbing materials for what I assume is for my face.

"Mr. Simons had Marah fight her without gloves? Out of everyone they should of had gloves," he ran his hands through his hair. "Thank you, you are dismissed." I stare at the floor, as my mind starts to dissociate. I didn't look at Hyunjin as he left. I don't want to see the pity in his face. Or anyone's for that matter.

"Are you okay honey?" She questions. I don't reply. The tears were gone. It seems I have gotten it all out of my system. "Jasmine, I need you to answer me," she says grabbing my hands. I look at her hands and it took everything inside me not to scream. I want to scream, kick, yell, cry. Instead I look at her and nod slowly.

She calls Kaetah as she cleans me up. Before I know it, I was sitting by myself waiting for her in the hallway. She runs over to me and bending down. Her hands touch my face softly. "Oh Jasmine, are you okay honey?" She asks with teary eyes.

"Can we just go home?" I respond weakly. She stares at me for a moment and I nod, "Yes, yes. Of course let's go." We walk out to the car and soon as we get in. I stare out the window.

"Jasmine, look at me," she says. My watery eyes found hers. For some reason hers mirrored mine. And I lost it. I sob. "Kaetah," I wipe my face. "I can't do it, I can't! I just want to go home!" My voice booms sadly. It feel like my frown is permanent at this point. Even if I want to pretend to smile I wouldn't be able to.

"And not yours! Mine! On earth! Why am I here?!" I grab my face. "Why?!" I sob trying to take deep breaths as my heart constricts. "Jasmine," Kaetah grabs my hands. She has silent tears rolling down her face.

"Jasmine," she says again as my eyes find hers again. I bite my lip as I shake my head, "Why?" My voice shook. She cups my cheeks and smiles weakly, "I don't know why. I don't. And I wish I could take you back because my heart breaks," she frowns.

"what do you want me to do? I will go back in there and hurt whoever harmed you," she offeres. "No," I wipe my cheek. She opens her arms and for the first time. I hug her back and cry into her neck. We sat there for a while but after a while she took me home.

I walk straight up to my room. I didn't touch homework. I laid in my covers glad I didn't have to go back for two days. But then I got thinking about Hyunjin. He helped me in front of all his peers. And some of them hate me.

He gave me his mouth guard so my teeth wouldn't break. He helped me and tried to tell the adviser to not let us fight. The shitty thing about all of this is I don't heal as quickly as them. They hit harder and the pain last longer.

I hear a knock on the door. I sit up as Zarx enters with food and medicine. "Hey," he says sitting the food on my plain white nightstand. "Hey," I mutter, hugging my knees to my chest.

"How are you feeling?" He ask. I looked down at my blankets, "I'm in pain," I say honestly.

"I thought you would say that," he murmurs. I glance at him to see him pulling out a bottle of pills. "Take one. It's Euphorbia resinfera to be exact. Which is-" I cut him off. "Painkillers," I stare. He smiles, "Correct. Of course."

I take one and he sat the bottle down on the nightstand. "If you need another. Take one. But don't take one for another 6 hours."

"Thank you," I whisper.

"Do you need anything else kid?" He asked, looking down at me. "No, I'm just tired," I murmur. "I'm sorry that happened," he sighs.

"It's what Xhanians do," I mutter. They're violent. He sat down infront of my feet. "Not all Xhanians are Violent. Some of them were raised wrong and now the new generation is teaching them right. But some of the new generation has already been taught the old ways of our society. That's why you're here. You're here to show them you have thoughts, feelings," he pauses. "Weather that's spiritually, mentally, or physically." I finally look at him. "Jasmine. You are kind, you are smart, you are important. So important. You don't even know."

He continues, "And I think you need to hear this but I love you kid. I love you like my own. I will protect you with everything. I promise you that. I owe it to you."

I wipe a tear I hadn't realized fell from my eyes, "Okay." I sit up as he opens his arms. He hugs me back just as tight. But something bothered me about the speech.

He owes it to me?

XHANIAN | HWANG HYUNJINWhere stories live. Discover now