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I sit in the lunchroom

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I sit in the lunchroom. Hyunjin has been quite since we talked in the woods. He ended up helping with the paper anyways which I didn't care about too much cause he didn't make a peep. But I did care about plants that glow, like big plants too. Their plants ecosystem is pretty cool.

I eat my lunch while looking at the other students. They are all so big it is low-key scary. I flinch when a teacher sits down in front of me at my lunch table. Oh I hope she's not eating here. That would be another reason for me to look like a nerdy nobody. Might as well put a sticker on my back that says, "Schools biggest Loser."

"Hello Jasmine, how is your day?" The teacher asks me. I stare at her wearily, "um okay?" I said more like a question, setting my food down. "So I was looking at your class reports today and you are actually short a class. So you're going to need to pick one more," she smiles.

I frown, "What are my choices?" I shift uncomfortably. "You have the option of Art, Mythology, Outside Quad training-" I cut her off. "Outside Quad training? What's that?" I ask interested as she sparks my curiosity.

"It's-what do you humans call it on earth-" she pauses looking up for a moment. I didn't miss the way she says "you humans." she probably didn't like me very much. I wonder if she is one of the teachers to vote against me coming here. I know I might seem rash toward them but I've been through a lot. When she realizes what it was called, she snaps her fingers and grins widely, "Gym class."

"I'll do that," I shrug nonchalantly. I'm not interested in anything here but at least for the last period of the day I would be able to move around, get that fresh air I like so much. "Okay, this won't start up until tomorrow. It's in room 300." She stand up before walking away.

I pull my book out and start to read about the planet. I want to know much as possible. I want to leave one day, but I don't know if I will ever be able to. That's why I study so hard. So I can see my mother. I miss my mother so much. It was so long ago. But I can still feel that love in my heart for her. I wonder if she remembers me, my smile, my eyes, my voice... my face. I can barley remember her face. As each day passes I get more scared I'll forget her features all together.

"Hey, we're sitting with you." I hear a familiar voice. I look up to see Christopher sitting beside me. Hyunjin in front of me, Marah beside him. And more people. Oh god no.

"What?" My mouth went agape as I look at all them uncomfortably. "Yeah, I said the same thing," Marah glares at Christopher. I look so small in between them. Fuck. How do I get out of this. I feel anxiety creeping up my neck. Time to be mean.

"You know what I think I'm gonna leave actually-" I start to stand but Bangchans hand went on my shoulder holding me down. I clench my teeth, "What are you doing?!" I whisper yell at him.

"Unless you want them," hyunjin butts in, pointing to a table three away. "To mess with you, I suggest you stay here. I heard them talking about doing something to you." I frown, peering at the other table. I notice their eyes looking over, finding mine every so often. "How do I know you're not going to?" My eyes cast back to his.

"We're not going to little human," Marah chides as if I shouldn't suspect them of harming me. My head snaps toward hers, "You already broke my phone bitch." Maybe I shouldn't have said that last part. She gasps, grabbing her own drink. She stands up and pours it over my head quite quickly. To say I am shocked is an understatement. Bangchan and Hyunjin share the same face. She drops the bottle on my head with a smirk.

I wipe my eyes to get whatever juice that is out. Once I'm done with that, I let my hands run over my forehead to the back of my head. I then flick my wet hands at her, and she clenches her teeth in anger slightly. "Jasmin-" I cut Hyunjin off. "Shut up," I glare at him. "This is why I hate all of you." I say calmly before I stand up. she smiles, "bye bye mut."

"Shut the fuck up Marah," Chris yells. The whole lunch room is quite now. I say nothing, I feel nothing as I walk out to go to the bathroom. I won't call Kaetah, or Zarx, I can't unless I went to the office. They would see my wet hair and question me. To be honest, I'd rather just not talk to them.

I rinse my hair, sighing as my hands shake from anxiety. I look down. My uniform is soaked in red liquid. For some reason it brings a terrible memory back.

"Mom!" I screamed as arms held me tightly. There was blood everywhere. It was like a bloodbath. My tiny feet and hands kicked as I tried to get out of the grip of the Xhanian. They were in my home. My father was bleeding out on the floor of the kitchen. He was just making pancakes.

"Jasmine! Don't take her please!" She yelled. "Shut up!" he held a gun to her head. My eyes had already been full with tears. "I'm sorry," the Xhanian said. My heart hammered against my chest and I felt my breath coming out short as he tightened his grip. I tried to look at his face but it was covered with a black mask.

"Mommy help!" I yelled-

"Jasmine?" I hear a voice. I gasp as I look at myself in the mirror. My eyes hold unshed tears and the water is still running. I turn it off and attempt to shake off the horrible feeling that buries itself deep into my DNA.

I walk out of the bathroom. Christopher looks down at me. "Are you okay? I brought you a shirt from my locker," he held his shirt out for me to take. It was large. Very large. I stare at him, and then the T-Shirt. I open my mouth but he cut me off. "Just take it. You don't have to like me but at least you'll be dry," he pushes.

"Thanks," I mutter quietly, taking from his hands. He's right I still don't like him. He offers a small smile, "I'm sorry about her. Her family is super rich, and super big assholes. They don't like humans." The way they apologize is also weird but I can tell he is trying.

"Your kind doesn't like humans I'm not surprised," I stare at him, trying to intimidate him but he doesn't move. He chuckles, "For what it's worth. I do."

I wanna fight Marah even though I created her haha.

Guys, I have like 17 chapters wrote and still have ideas so I think this is a book that I will finish actually!!! LETS GOOO

Anyways, I was writing this book last night and I was like damn, this is getting deep 😳

Last Updated Sunday September 4th, 2022.

Until next time, peace!


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