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It was nice I wasn't scared to go to school anymore. The last couple of weeks, have been awesome but the party last night went better than I could have ever expected. I deeply appreciate Hyunjins patience with me. He could have pushed me away so many times, especially since I push away so much. But he didn't, he never lashes out or gets angry.

I smiled when I seen Silvio passing me. "Hey. Glad to see you made it home safely," I said to her. She chuckled, "Yeah.. Han and I kissed last night," her smile broadened. "What?!" I whisper yelled. she grabbed my shoulders, "I know right, I'll tell you more about it at lunch. Or on the way so I don't have to talk about it around him."

I nod, "Sounds good."

I did more usual morning routine and grabbed everything from my locker. My classes were normal and Han wouldn't shut up about Silvio. I really didn't mind though. Hyunjin and I teased him about her though lots in class. I was definitely going to tease them together about this at lunch.

I stood by the bathroom waiting for Silvio. I sighed in relief when I seen her approaching. "Hello," she smiled. I return it, "Spill." We started walking down the hallway toward the lunch room.

"We were in the bathroom because I fell and scraped my knee," she shook her head. "I'm too clumsy." I flicked my hand dismissing her so called clumsiness. "It's a good thing in this situation." She nodded, "True," she glanced at me and continued.

"He was looking for the bandaids and couldn't find them so we both started searching. But when I went to go around him, we both almost fell but he caught me," she shakes her head. Her face turning red. I laugh heartedly for a moment. I stare at her for her to continue on. I kinda know the story already because of Han in second period.

But I wasn't going to tell her that and ruin her excitement. "Well, it just got all quite and tense and before I knew it... his lips where on mine!" She threw her hands up gripping her bag. I poked her with my elbow, "Sounds like someone might have a boyfriend soon," I teased.

She nodded, "I guess we'll see. I mean we both always teased each other but that took a turn last night." I pulled my bag closer, "That's how it usually goes. You don't see it coming," I said smoothly. She nodded quickly, "So..." she got serious. "Do you like anyone? I know you hate us but is there any Xhanian boys catching your eyes?"

I scoffed, "I don't hate you!" I said quickly. She stared at me with that knowing look. "What?! I don't hate you! I hate every one else," I smiled proudly. She chuckled lightly, "Valid. I'm sure you have your reasons..." she trailed.

I do.

We entered the lunch room, "I think Hyunjin li-" she cut got cut off by Hyunjin getting in between us, looking down at both of us. His arms rest around both of our shoulders. "What about me?" He smiled looking at me for a long moment. I leaned forward looking at her. I didn't know what she was gonna say.

She peeled Hyunjins arm off her shoulder, "Hyunjin needs to stay out of my business," she said sarcastically. "It's hard to stay out of your business when you're kissing and telling," he teased.

I gasped and she laughed while sticking up the bird and walking to the table. Its my turn to peel the boys arm off of me. "I gotta go put my bag away," I said taking a few steps between us, creating the much needed space. He clapped his hands. "Great, I'll go," he says following me.

"Han and Silvio are cute don't you think?" I asked. He hums, "For sure. Didn't see it coming." I looked at him, my brows furrowed. "You really didn't see it coming?" I asked staring at the side of his pretty face. He shakes his head. "No," he confidently laughs. The boy is always laughing. That's why I loved being around him. He never spoke bad about anyone.

"You left your locker open so I closed it for you," I heard Marahs voice pierce through the still very busy hallway. I looked at Hyunjin slowly with weary eyes, to which his mirrored my own. I glanced back at her, "thanks?" I said more like a question and reached toward my locker.

She watches contently. I feel anxiety creeping up my neck like a strong snake. I ignored her since she wasn't saying anything. Maybe I could make it out alive? I put my thumb up to my locker. When I opened it a blue paint splatter went all over me. My mouth went open in shock after my brain processed what is happening.

I wiped the paint from my eyes and when I looked at Hyunjin. Marah is walking toward him, and then they kiss in front of me. I feel everything inside me crumble. My chest tightens and the alarms in my head are louder than ever. He's beenwith her this whole time! He wanted trick me so I would let my guard down.

Then I seen the boy at the party with his phone recording the whole interaction. And a sob tore through me and I just ran. I ran out of the building, I ran until my legs burned and my heart constricted against my chest like a ballon getting ready to pop.

I found a bench and sat on it as salty tears fell down my cheeks. Little chunks of paint threatened to get back into my eyes. I should have known, someone couldn't date Marah unless they are equally as wicked. To think I was starting to trust him. To think I let him take me to a party. I let my walls down. I am stupid, a foolish human.

I called Kaetah, sobbing.

"Kaetah p-please pick me up," I stuttered as my breaths came out short.

Okur okur, which one you like better?

A/N: Okur okur, which one you like better?

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LAST UPDATED : Monday September 26, 2022

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LAST UPDATED : Monday September 26, 2022.

Until next time...


XHANIAN | HWANG HYUNJINWhere stories live. Discover now