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October 20th 2016

Tim was sitting on the couch waiting for Bernard to come back so they could continue watching the TV. When he came back they sat hand in hand channel surfing for a while before heading to bed. During the night Tim awoke to a shuffling sound he sat up and notice two green orbs peering at him from the corner of the room,

"Damian what the fuck are you doing be here?" He whispered

"I need your help" Damian replied stepping forward

"Tomorrow" Tim exclaimed

"It's important" Damian stated

"Damian get out, I'll help tomorrow" he exclaimed lying back down

"Tt" Damian sighed jumping out the window

He landed in the front garden and jumped over the front wall, he hopped on his bike and rode off. He made his way to a warehouse down in the Gotham docks, while he entered the warehouse he felt as if he was being watched, which he was, from the adjacent warehouse.

"If this doesn't work Mister Crane, you'll have something to fear" a disguised voice announced

"It's Doctor Crane and it will" the Scarecrow smirked

"It better we need bait for the bat, do not fail us Doctor" the masked figure said leaving

Damian walked through the warehouse and stopped when he heard a woman screaming, he ran into the room it was coming from and took down the three goons in the room.

"Scarecrow, he ran that way" the woman exclaimed as Damian freed her

"Scarecrow?" He questioned

"Yeah, he went to get something" she replied

"I was following leads on Professor Pyg are you sure it was Scarecrow" Damian asked getting frustrated for no reason

"Yeah I'm sure" she replied

"Leave, get somewhere safe" Damian ordered

He walked towards the door she pointed at, and as he pushed down on the handle he felt a stinging sensation in his neck. As he turned he pulled a syringe from his neck and faced the woman he had just freed from the restraints. She pushed him through the door and he stumbled into the room which began to quickly fill with gas.

The room was filled with mannequins which had been dressed up as other heroes mainly the bats and some villains, he stumbled around the room being watched via camera. Crane didn't know what he was experiencing but could see it was working. The people he had aligned with were impressed and were about to enter to capture the terrified Robin, when the room flashed green.

Moments earlier in Metropolis

"Thanks for bringing me out Kon, we don't hang out enough" Jon stated

"Not my choice, but we should hang out more often" Kon replied

"That was backhanded but at least you agree" Jon beamed

"Let's get home before, your Mom and Lara do" Kon stated

"Our" Jon replied

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