Your weapons...

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Wanda: Hah, Magic, take that Suckaz!

Bucky: Knives, duh, they always are a bunch in your pockets

Loki: You have a silver tongue, you do not need weapons

Thor: Ever heard of JONATHAN? (A/N: Reference to Paul Rudd calling Mjolnir, Jonathan)

Bruce: Uh...Tasers, you don't wanna hurt anyone for to long

Steve: A frisbe! Like, seriously!

Tony: I have a suit, with my own assistant, her name is slightly unnerving neurological deputy assistant yes-person, or SUNDAY for short

Natasha: Hey! Guns and taser batons!

Clint: The Ronan Sword, you stole it from dad when he came home one day, and you fell in love with the point thingy

- Grace_Barton

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