Death Keeps Knocking on My Door

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Salvatore Boarding House

There's different students writing letters to family members. "I'm no stranger to death, but that doesn't mean I want to talk about it." Hope's voice over said. "Once a year for Remembrance Day, we're asked to write letters for our lost loved ones." Aaron's voice over said. More students continue writing letters, including Rafael. "Dear Cassie, I miss you every day." Rafael wrote. "We sign our names, fold them up and scatter them through out the cemetery." Aaron's voice over said. At a table, Hope drags her finger across her drawing of the newest monster. Aaron was sat next to her, looking at a blank piece of paper, not knowing who to write to. He wasn't paying attention to Hope drawing.

"I usually don't see the point in it, why write to the dead?" Hope's voice over said. Rafael finishes his letter putting it in the envelope kissing it softly before putting it into the bowl of all the other letters students wrote. Outside the Salvatore School the night sky just starting to settle as a barefoot unknown girl approaches the building. "I rather not thinking about it at all. Except lately..." Hope's voice over said. Back into the school to the unknown girl walking through the door dazed and confused. "Death keeps knocking at my door." Hope's voice over said.

Hope, Aaron and Rafael were walking together when they see the unknown girl. Rafael stops dead in his tracks when he recognizes her His dead girlfriend, Cassie. "Cassie?" Rafael asked. "Raf?" Cassie asked. "Cassie? Isn't that your..." Hope said but Rafael cuts her off. "My girlfriend." Rafael said. With that, Rafael drops his bag and rushes over to hug Cassie. Hope and Aaron watch them, their faces wearing shock all over it. "Something's happening." Aaron said. Hope looked at him. "Something familiar." Aaron said. He sighed. "I just don't know what." Aaron said.

Later ~ Basement

Alaric shouts swinging back his ax as far back as he can before slamming it into the Necromancers head. The ax stays in his head not affecting him in the slightest. "Was that really necessary?" The Necromancer asked. Alaric is kneeling in front of him. "I told you I need answers." Alaric said. "Why would I help you, you have me in chains? This indignity will not go unpunished." The Necromancer said. "We've been at this for days. Answer my questions or I will peel your skin off like a grape and shower you in battery acid!" Alaric said. The Necromancer pulls the ax out of his head. "A rather grotesque effort, considering it will feel like the delicate tickle of a feather." The Necromancer said.

The necromancer simply hands Alaric the ax. Angrily he stands walking away from him going to his table of torture devices. Alaric picks up a blow torch. "Alright, let's see how this feels." Alaric said. With that,Alaric turns the blow torch on to seem threatening, just as Hope and Aaron enter the cellar. "Dr. Saltzman." Hope said. Not wanting to let them see what he was about to do Alaric turns off the blow torch scrunching his face in frustration. "Oh, there you are, child. I was wondering if you'd come visit me again." The Necromancer said. Aaron looked at Hope before looking at the Necromancer. "How's your friend, the one I saw you with earlier, trying to steal an illicit peek at me?" The Necromancer asked.

"As we speak he's having an emotional reunion with his dead girlfriend. I assume we have you to thank." Hope said. "Poor thing. Her spirit was clinging to him like a vine in winter. It took barely any effort." The Necromancer said. Alaric begins to put things back on the table. "Just a little wrinkle of the nose, and poof. You're lucky that's all I did." The Necromancer said. Alaric exits the cell calmly shutting the gate. "The way you've treated a man of my stature, you should be ashamed." The Necromancer said. "Literally nobody knows who you are!" Alaric said frustrated. The Necromancer scoffed. "That's impossible." He said.

Alaric turned to Hope and Aaron. "I'll check on Raf." Alaric said. Then Alaric exits leaving Hope and Aaron briefly alone with the necromancer. "I-If you want an end to this misery, simply bring me the knife and I'll be on my way." The Necromancer said. Aaron and Hope listens clearly intrigued by the monster in front of them. "Hope! Aaron!" Alaric called out. "Go. I'll be there in a minute." Aaron said. "You sure?" Hope asked. Aaron nodded. Hope looked at the necromancer before walking away. Aaron looked at the necromancer curiously.

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