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"Hurry up sweetie,we're about leaving" mums voice sounded from down the stairs
"coming mum, let me just get my phone "


I'm Marisa Anderson but you can call me Marisa if you want, I'm 18 years of age , I have two younger siblings (Parker and Evie)
Evie is sweet but Parker is full of trouble. What else am i forgeting... Oh yea right, i'm a natural blond just like my dad with sky blue eyes, you can call us a direct copy and as for Parker and Evie, they both have dark hair just like mum and brown eyes
We're from Seattle but right now we're in a process of relocating to a new house in California
It's gonna be easy adapting to the environment and making new friends cause I'm kinda social
"You're done parking your stuff yet?" Dad asked as I came down
"Of cause I am, why wouldn't I "
"then head straight into the car , we're leaving in a few minutes"
I got in, everyone was in there already and Evie did a dramatic goodbye to the house
After a long ride we we're finally in Cali, to be honest the environment here is so appealing I'll enjoy my stay here
We got into the new house and the new house scent filled into my nostrils. We all went up to pick our rooms and by we I mean myself, Parker and Evie.
after searching all other rooms and they weren't my style, I went to the last one down the hallway
"OMG" that's what I literally said when I saw the room, it was my taste everything I wanted in a room
I immediately went in with my stuff and started unpacking.
Moving isn't really easy, I was almost done with my arrangement when a knock sounded in the door
"Come in, it's open"I was surprised to see mum
"You're not done yet?"
"I'm almost"
"Well I came to tell you to come down for dinner"
"What! It's already time for dinner? what time is it?"
"You've stayed up here longer than you thought" mum left me in the room looking all surprised
"no wonder my tummy kept rumbling" I silently said
I later went down and Parker was the first to speak
"What were you doing there?, you kept us waiting"
"Will you better mind your business"
"Don't start that here you two, we're about eating, anyways you're all gonna start school on Monday" dad said
"WHAT! but dad it's too soon, atleast let's adapt here first" I said dramatically dropping my spoon
"It's for the best Marisa, we've talked about it and decided you guys start now so you won't be backwards for whatever you'll be doing for the semester" mum added her part
"But muu----m" Parker grumbled not approving the idea either
"daddy it's okay if I start on Monday" Evie said, I sent her a glare which she didn't see
"that's my darling, tomorrow we're going to the mall to get you a new backpack"
We then finished our dinner afterwards, when I was done washing my plate off I headed for my room
I seriously don't know what's the rush with school now?, I mean I wanna go to school no doubt about that but it's just too early at least let's get to know this place better
I cleared out the rest of the things left to be arrenged then went to take my bath before going to bed , I was still stuck thinking about the decision before I slept off
The next morning I woke up and the morning sunlight sneaked it's way into my room shining on my face
I took a cold shower and put on some comfy clothes, tied my hair in a ponytail and went down but on my way down I heard from the staircase
"Mum you're making pancakes?" that was Parker speaking, he's madly in love with pancakes
"Yes dear, we are "
"Morning Mum" I greeted as I got downstairs
"Morning sweetie, how was your night?" Mum inquired
"Great, apart from the fact that we're starting school on Monday"
"You know I don't wanna go talking about this again right?, decision is final" mum said
"Yeah Yeah whatever" I yanked
"Morning everyone, Morning darling" dad told mum as he came into the Kitchen
"Morning sweetheart" mum replied and dad gave her a peck on the lips
"ewwww,grooos " parker said from where he was sitting
"Morning dad " Evie greeted
"Morning cupcake ,how was your night" Ghl
"Amazingly awesome dad"
"good to know honey"
"So last night I searched the web for schools around here and luckily I found a good one for you guys " dad told us
"So honey tell them the name of their new school" mum said
"Marisa and Parker, you both are gonna be attending Bayside high and for you Evie dear you'll attend Pinewoods middle school" dad informed us all
"Let's hurry up with breakfast, we're going shopping remember?" I said out loud
After breakfast we went to our various rooms to get ready for the mall
"Mum, Dad we're done and waiting down, hurry " I heard Parker yelling from downstairs
"don't say we're done Parker, just say you are cause I'm not, I still need a little time " I replied him from my room
"What the hell are you even wearing that you still need time for?"
"doesn't concern you so stick your nose to your business"
"girls, they'll always need extra time in preparation" he said a bit quietly but I still heard him though but think of it he's kinda right, I was still putting on some makeup.
I wore a white top and a sky blue pants, with a black sneaker but I had a little change in my hairstyle, I decided not to pack it in a ponytail rather I let it fall to my shoulders and curled the tips
"there all done " I said in relief
As I went down Parker was seated on the couch while texting or whatever he was doing with his phone
"Can I know what you two were yanking about?" Mum asked while she came down
"She couldn't finish up on time " Parker said from the couch before I could even respond
"But at least no one waited for me,or did they?" I asked him while smirking
"You guys should put a stop to that, we're running late" dad interrupted us while heading to the front door which we all followed behin d.
This is gonna be a nice outing.

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