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MARISA'S POV (continues)

Morning came quite early, cause I can still remember it's not so long I slept or maybe I over slept? I can't tell, but what I can tell now is that I woke up late and I'm gonna be pretty late to school, seriously late cause it's already 6:50
"Damn" I silently cussed within me while going to the bathroom to take a shower
After my shower I dried my hair properly, but since I had no time to style it ,I just went with a ponytail and wore a pink strap top with a pair of white jean pants.
Parker had already left without me when I came down and I met mum cleaning some things in the kitchen
"Mum" I drew her attention to myself when I came in
"Oh hey sweetie, you're late to school remember? Parker had already gone"
"Yea Mum I know about that and for Parker, why couldn't he wait huh!!" I asked while I served myself cereal
"He said he couldn't wait anymore, he just left not quite long though"
I munched on my cereal and listened as mum spoke, in no time I was done and it was time for me to go
"Ok bye dear, be safe OK, love you "
"Mum, I'm not in kindergarten so cut the crap and let me go"
"Bye" I said and left

I went straight to my locker to get my Algebra book, cause that's what we had first.
On getting to class, Taylor was already seated, but not at her usual position, she was seated with that Connor guy but immediately I walked in, Mr Jackson came in as well so she left him and came back to her seat
"Oh hi Marisa, didn't know you had already gotten here"
"I just got in here now so - - -" I was interrupted by Mr Jackson's voice
"Get seated everyone" Class stared when we all were seated but oddly I didn't see Zoi, not like I cared much though
Classes, lunch break, practicals were all boring today I had no idea why and come to think of It, I didn't for once see Freddy in school nor his friend, what's his name again? Maybe I'm just unfortunate today or maybe he didn't come to school.
Today's just so boring and long but thank goodness my misery was cut short when the school bell rang.
I just saw Taylor off before proceeding to check around for Parker
I went toward his classroom but he wasn't there, I checked around his locker same thing, I then proceeded outside the school and from a distance i saw him hailing a cab, our eyes met once he had entered so I just gave him a little smile
Cause I was kinda worried about my little bro cause I haven't seen him all day, even if we rattle out at times, cuss our ass out or provoc ourselves, he still remains my kid bro and I can't change that (even if I wanted to though)
When I got home I meet just Evie at home
"Where's mum and dad?" I asked Evie once I got in
"Oh Marisa you're back" she turned from what she was doing
"There're not back yet "
"and Parker?, where did he go"
"Oh Park, he said he'll be back soon, he went to see a friend" she's fond of calling him park
"he've made a friend here already?" I muttered inwardly
"Now stop with all the questions, I need to finish up with this" she pointed to whatever she was doing in the sitting room

I went up to freshen up before having my lunch. Since I had nothing serious to do , I just went up to my room and put a call through with Taylor.

After I ended my call, I was up there for some time before I finally decided to go down stairs, and coincidentally that's the same time Dad got back, but it seems there's a problem cause he looked worried
"Welcome Dad, what's wrong"
He gave me a smile, but I knew that it was a fake smile
"Nothing dear, is your Mum in?"
"She's not yet back"
With that he went up to his room
I just hope there's no problem.

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