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   Whoa did I just speak with Tyler?, like the real Tyler Jackson and I didn't loose my cool?
"You go girl" my subconsciousness praised me and I high five myself mentally
Speaking of which, I didn't really leave the class cause it was boring... Weeelllll it's actually because Taylor left with Connor to 'who knows where' and I was practically bored and lonely, so come to think of it, I didn't really lie did I
What I kept wondering is how the music lessons would turn out, well I only hope for the best

  I heard the bell from a distance and knew immediately that it was for lunch break, I'm so giddy right now, I can't wait to tell Tay everything

As I strolled to the cafeteria to get my food, luckily I saw her on a table with Connor (why not). I took an food and went towards them, on approaching there Taylor squealed

"Risa where went you?, I looked everywhere but couldn't find you" she asked with a hint of concern in her voice

"Peharps you could've checked in the garden" I said with a raised brows

"Oh right, the garden, I totally forgot we had one, my bad"

"Seriously!!! Are you freaking kidding me right now" I asked with surprise laced around my tone

"Oh Hi Connor" I totally forgot he was seated there as well

"Hey..." he gave a small wave
"didn't want to spoil your little drama, so I had to shut up and watch"
   We ate and talked about random stuff. After school, on our way home  I told Taylor about what transpired between I and Tyler

The day went faster than expected and  before I knew it I was at home, eating dinner with the family (well except Dad, he's not back yet) the dining was damn quiet, so I decided to bring  up  what happened hours ago

"Hey Mum..."  I called her which dragged her attention from her food

"Uhummm" she hummed answering

"Ok so here is the thing, I'm gonna be returning late from school from tomorrow "

"and why's that" she raised her head up from her food now

"I would be taking singing lessons after school, just for an hour or less, it won't take much of my time, neither would it be a distracted to my studies" I said all that so I could try convincing her to letting me stay

"But your not offering music, what do you even need it for?" I knew she's tryna turn down my offer with this question so I settled for begging

"Please Mum, and besides I'm always actually less busy after school except if maybe I have a school work"

"Yea what about your school work huh, how are you gonna do it"

"Mum don't talk about that, I can do it whenever I get back OK" I kept persuading her

"Fine fine, stop pestering me you're free to stay" she finally gave in

"Thank you so much Mum, you're the best" I squealed happily

"I don't think you remember that you're in the dining right" I heard Parker saying from my right hand side

"Whatever, eat up and go to sleep, you need one cause you're too grumpy" I retaliated his comment and when he was about replying back Mum gave him a look which made him shut up

'Yey I win' I happy danced inside my head

It's almost a week since I asked Olivia out, well she said she was gonna think about it.
And today, I'm very confident that she's gonna say yes to me today, I just feel it ...
I  Stepped out of bed and went towards the bathroom to take a quick shower and dressed up for school
  Mum wasn't at home cause she went on a trip yesterday, so technically I'm kinda free, so I think I'm gonna party on friday night

I decided to go early today cause I had to check on Livia before classes begin

"Hey Olivia" I said immediately I approached her

"about what I told you the other day, have you thought about it? " I asked with hopeful eyes for a positive answer

"Yes I did actually" she responded a bit taken aback, I could see it clearly in her eyes

"and your decision?" I asked with my hopes still high

"hmmmm let me see, NO" her reply broke everything inside of me

"Huh"I asked dumbfounded with wide eyes

"Nah just kidding , of cause I would love to be your girlfriend"

"Thank you so much Livia, you won't regret your decision"

"I promise to be a loving, caring and supportive boyfriend"I said and did in some sorta pledge manner  before bringing her to myself and gave her a heart melting kiss

"But you almost gave me a heart attack you know" I said sternly, feigning anger

"Seriously? That was just a mere trick" She retaliated

"a trick that could kill someone, anyways I knew you couldn't resist all of this" I gestured towards my face

"You gotta be kidding me, you aren't even that good looking" she scoffed

"Says who?"

"Says me, and your corkeyness is on the highest level "

"Well you fell for a corkey guy, congrats "I said with all smiles

"Oh stop it, you know that isn't true and the bell has gone, let's get going" She said moving away

"You're tryna deny it, admit it" I playfully said

"go to  class babe"she said, then came towards me and gave me a peck

"Byeeee" she said and skipped away, I smirked and made my way to class

On my way to class, I met Tyler and immediately broke the news to him

"Dude, she just accepted" I said being all jumpy

"Who? And accepted what?"  his expression seemed to be of a  confused state so I had to elaborate

"Olivia dude, she just accepted to be my girlfriend"

"Woah congrats bro" he said giving me a bro shake

"Now tell me when you'll get yours"  I asked cause It's been a pretty long time since I last saw him with a girl

"don't pressure me on that OK, when the time comes I'll get one"

"Seriously? Did you just say when the time comes? Bro we're almost done with highschool and aside that, you need a date to prom" I blasted him

"I so can't believe this is coming from the same guy who choose to hide his feelings from the girl he loved ever since middle school, I'm way better than you if you look into it closely"
"not until Sharron broke me" he whispered inaudibly, but I still heard him

"I've told you not to talk about fucking Sharron again, it's been two freaking years dude, move on"

"Well I wasn't, not until brought this topic and point of correction, I've forgotten about her a long time ago"

"Whatever dude, let's go to class" I said cause I wasn't ready for  a fight now.

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