Izuku Bio

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Izuku'Monkey king'Midoriya

Izuku'Monkey king'Midoriya

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Monkey armor form

Monkey armor form

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Jingu Bang (monky king staff)

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Jingu Bang (monky king staff)

Jingu Bang (monky king staff)

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Kusanagi ( Grass cutter)

Kusanagi ( Grass cutter)

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Eyes of heaven.

Skills: Athletic,  master gymnast, well versed fighter and breaking the fourth wall.

Powers: Super strength, Light speed, immortality x8 ( I am not Joking), and laser eyes if he bows in four Directions ( again not joking), monkey armor form, giant demon monkey form.

Vehicle: Kinto'un (flying nimbus)

Likes: Peaches, his home, his mom, eri, his friends, and the gods( even when they annoy and curse him.

Duslikes: Oni (demons) Rude demons and lack of fun.

Monkey king IzukuWhere stories live. Discover now