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The days following Ennis's death were challenging for the Dutton family, Elsa cried nonstop in the back of her family's wagon because she couldn't ride. Her horse, Lightening, was tied to the back of the wagon and followed. Elizabeth had gotten into more than one fight with another traveler whenever they commented about Elsa's crying. Elizabeth's monthly cycle had come and gone, and part of that contributed to her quickness to fight when a traveler made comments.

The days turned to weeks and soon a month had passed. Elizabeth worried for her sister, her monthly cycle was always around the same time as hers but when the train stopped for everyone to rest and Elsa emerged from the wagon mentioning she had started her cycle, Elizabeth couldn't help but feel relieved. 

She knew that deep down Elsa may have hoped she was pregnant so she would always have a part of Ennis with her but, Elsa being pregnant on the trail at such a young age as a single mother would have made their travels much harder. On top of her horse Elizabeth watched as Elsa stumbled off, Shea came up on his horse next to her,

"How's she doin'?" his deep voice flooded her ears as she watched her sister fall to her knees at a grave. 

"I don't know how to help her," Elizabeth's voice wasn't any more than a whisper, her eyes stung with tears as she watched her sister, once full of life, cradle her pistol in her hands, "I loved Ennis like my own brother, he was gonna marry her. Nothing I say can help her," She turned and looked at the older cowboy, "I feel so helpless," 

"I know how you feel. The hardest part about watching those you love turn into someone you hardly recognize is the helplessness you feel," his voice rumbled lowly as his blue eyes looked at her, "I lost my wife and daughter, no older than you girls. The helplessness you feel watching her is how I felt when I watched my wife and daughter succumb to smallpox. I did everything I could to make it comfortable for them but the helplessness could've killed me, be there for her in every way you can like I did for my girls." 

Elizabeth felt her heart shatter as his deep voice cracked with sorrow, "I think, the best person to help her is you," she nodded to the older man, he thought for a moment then nodded. He dismounted his horse and scuffed his boots as he walked over to her sister. 

Elizabeth felt a deeper connection to the older cowboy, and for him to share such personal and valuable information with her made her feel special as if he was able to see his daughter again in her and Elsa. She admired the man, she wanted to be as strong as he was. 

With a soft kick of her heel, she turned Bandit to head back with Wesley and Wade at the herd. As she approached the herd she could see Wesley on top of his own horse, trotting around the herd to keep them together. It had been almost a month since they started courting, and they hadn't done so much as sharing a kiss on the cheek. Elsa and Ennis were only courting for about 2 or so weeks before Elsa gave her virtue to Ennis. Elizabeth didn't want her and Wesley to go that extreme but she did want to share a kiss with him. 

Elizabeth was broken from her thoughts when she heard a horse's trot come up behind her. SHe turned on her saddle to see her sister trotting up, "Hey," she spoke softly, surprise laced her voice. 

"Hey," Elsa's voice was rough from crying, her once sweet southern twang was littered with sorrow. Elizabeth reached out and grabbed her sister's hand, lacing their fingers together, 

"Ready to work?" the brunette twin asked, she wanted to ask about what Shea had said to her but she knew it wasn't the right time. Elsa just nodded and released Elizabeth's hand, Elizabeth could see even her riding wasn't the same as it was but she was back on her horse which is a start. Elizabeth looked over her shoulder and gave a nod to Shea as a thank you before joining her sister. 

Cowboys and Angels [1883]Where stories live. Discover now