Chapter 16

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I wonder what is being served for lunch today? I think as I walk to the exit of Miss R's classroom. My fingers absentmindedly hold my mother's necklace as I do so.

Today is... Thursday? That means... that we'll be eating...

"So!" A voice chirps as I walk out of the classroom, causing me to have a-ahem-minor freak out.

"OH MY GOD! DON'T MAKE ME GO ALL NINJA ON YOUR ASS! I'M A DANGEROUS TIGER!" I scream, shutting my eyes and flailing my arms in a way that I hope looks like a ninja.

Yep. Only a minor freak out.

After yelling my 'ninja' noises that sounded more like a whale giving birth, and swinging my arms around as if I were a windmill, I freeze on the spot at the sound of doubling over. And by freeze, I mean standing on on leg whil the other is suspended midair and arms floating above me head. I peek open one eye, searching for any danger, only to see Will bend over, hands on his knees, cackling away like a Salem witch.

Okay maybe his laugh was more velvety... And smooth... And deep... And hot... And... Well...

He's laughing at me so I won't admit to any of that.

You saw nothing.

I instantly bring my arms and one leg down, straightening my clothes before clearing my throat awkwardly. Will laughs a little longer, all the while receiving death glares from me.

"That was ah-" He laughs again, but attempts to cover it up by faking a cough and bringing his fist up to gnaw on it. "-that was something." He tells me, a boyish grin plastered on his face.

I groan and bury my hands in my face. "Ugh, I am such an idiot."

Large hands wrap themselves around my wrists and pull on them lightly, causing me to slowly drop them from my face. I look up to see deep ocean blues staring back at me.

"You are not an idiot." He tells me seriously.

I sigh in relief as my shoulders relax, glad that he chose not to make fun of me for it.

"You're a dangerous tiger." He says, a smug and amused grin growing on his lips.

I spoke too soon.

I groan and lazily stomp away, followed by a cackling Will.

That conceited jack wagon.

"Wow," Will muses, catching up and falling into step with me as I walk to my locker, "you never cease to keep me entertained, Princess."

I roll my eyes as I adjust the strap on my shoulder, intent on keeping Will from noticing the evident blush on my cheeks. "What can I say? I just live to entertain the Will Thatcher." I mutter sarcastically.

"You know it." He winks at me, causing the blush on my cheeks to become even more noticeable.

I roll my eyes yet again before punching him in his well defined bicep.

Well, that is a nice discovery.

"Calm down, Thatcher, I am not that infatuated with you." I tell him playfully.

He scoffs and slings an arm over my shoulder. I turn my head and narrow my eyes at him as he replies. "We both know that you love me, Princess. When are you going to admit your feelings for me?" He replies, wiggling his eyebrows for effect.

I pretend to ponder this, placing a finger on my chin. After a few moments of me making this awkward pose and him looking at me with amusement, I open my mouth and give him a response. "When I admit to a secret love for Celine Dion." I tell him with an innocent smile, shrugging off his arm and turning on my heel.

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