Aye so today was shitty. Today Olivia walked up to me, rolled up my sleeves and said "1,2,3,4,5,6,7.8.9,10,11,12,13,14,15! 15 fucking scars. What is wrong with you."
I said "there's a lot more than fifteen. And please mind your own business"
Then Kristen pushed me into a wall on perpouse and made me hit my face on a pole and made me role my anckle. Then she said
"*laughs* I love you"
I heard Julian say under his breath "Doesn't seem like it asshole" and she's always wondering why Julian hates her so much. Gahh. Anyways. Other than that and crying after school, today was okay. Imma go work on my new book, and my jeremike. And thanks for all the reads on jeremike and on this story.