Chapter Seven

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I soaked in the tub wondering if I made a good decision to break up with Candice, she made feels so special & warm inside thats until she turned into this person I did not know

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I soaked in the tub wondering if I made a good decision to break up with Candice, she made feels so special & warm inside thats until she turned into this person I did not know.

Tears ran down my face as I laid back with my eyes closed trying to figure out what to do with myself, I could just end it all now by drowning in the bath tub but what would that solve.

After my bath I got out & put on some sweats & walked in the living room seeing some coke sitting on the table that I had left out this morning.

I sat on the couch & picked up the rolled dollar & sniffled a line of coke before picking some up rubbing it against my gums.

My phone started ringing & I thought it was Candice again but this time it was Maury, I haven't talk to her or the girls since everything happened.

I sighed before answering, "Hello"

"Open the door" She said & hung up, I put up my stash & cleaned the table off.

I chuckled a bit getting up off the couch & going over to the door opening it to see my cousin & her new little baby girl.

The baby was so tiny & small, "Hey Tam" Maury said walking in the door with the baby carrier

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The baby was so tiny & small, "Hey Tam" Maury said walking in the door with the baby carrier.

"Hey" I said & once she was comfortable she let me hold the baby.

"Aww she is so cute" I said staring at my beautiful little niece, Maury has always been like my sister since my older sister doesn't live here & I hate arguing with her.

"So How is Jas?"

"She's good umm we broke up" She said looking down.

"Really?" I questioned

"Yeah we just couldn't agree on anything but our little princess come before anything so it's all good"

"Yeah I feel you, Maury?"

"What?" She asked glancing at me.

"I am so sorry about what happened" She genuinely smiled

"Please Tam it's coo I understand you love Candice & I should have been there for you"

"I did love her a lot but it's nothing to worry about it's all over now."

"What why?" She asked with an raised eyebrow.

"Because her crazy ass side chick came to the house & we fought, I wanted to kill that bitch"

The baby started to cry so I rocked her a bit.

"Damn, she still be cheating?"

"Yeah females call & text her all the damn time, She be thinking I am stupid."

She shook her head, "Damn Tamar what are you going to do?"

"Nothing I am good at this point, I even want to get clean"

She smiled, "Seriously, That's great"

"Yes it's time plus I don't want anything to remind me of Candice so I will probably be going to rehab soon"

"I am so proud of you"

"Thanks, for always being there me."

"You know I got your back always just don't be flipping out on me anymore I will beat your ass next time" She giggled.

I sucked my teeth, "Anyway, What's up with Mia & Tina I haven't talk to them"

"Well, Mia proposed to Kelly but she turned her down because she was still fucking her baby daddy."

I gasped, "Shut the hell up"

"No bitch I am serious, But you know Mia she bounced back quick she started fucking with Shante again."

"Damn but Shante is fine so I ain't made at her"

"And Tina decided to settle down with this Raven chick she cool but crazy as hell in a good way" She giggled

"Well I am glad all my girls found happiness" I said

"You'll find happiness just be patient." I nodded

"So what did you name this little beauty."

"Tamia Joi, After her Auntie" She smiled.

"Aww" I smiled hugging my cousin from the side, "I love you big head."

"I love you too nut"

The next few days I worked non stop trying to keep my mind off everything that has been happing in my life but I felt so bad about how things ended with Candice & I wanted to end on good terms because I really cared for her.

I nervously walked toward the door & knocked fixing my hair & Checked my breath.

The door shook then opened.

"Tamar" Candice faintly said looking high out of this world.

"Candice" I said walking in her house closing the door.

"I thought you hated me" She stumped back a bit.

"No, What is wrong with you?" I asked

"I killed myself, I didn't want to live anymore so now you can go find someone better" She said.

"What?" I stepped closer to her grabbing her waist.

"Tamar, I love you"

"I love you too" I said.

"You do?" She asked

I nodded, then she passed out, "Candice" We went down to the ground.

"Candice wake up!" I yelled.

"Baby please" I shook her.

Lord I couldn't loose Candice she meant everything to me.

Love & War {Short Story} {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now