Chapter Nine

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"Toni what are you doing here?" I asked getting up off the floor

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"Toni what are you doing here?" I asked getting up off the floor.

"No A better question is what are you doing here?" Toni asked walking in the house Candice closed the door & sighed.

"Candice is my girlfriend how do you two know each other?" I asked looking between my girlfriend & my sister who I haven't see in a few years we use to be really close but she married a woman I didn't really like & we fell out but still remained close.

"Umm.." Toni Looked at Candice & Candice gave the same look back.

"Candice is my ex" Those words kept echoing in my ears.

"What?" I asked

Candice sighed not saying anything, "What is she talking about Candice?" I asked getting pissed.

"Babe.. um remember I told you that I cheated on Bianca & that's what made her kill herself, well the person I cheated with was Toni."

I folded my arms & moved my tongue in my jaw, "So that still doesn't explain why you are here?" I asked my sister.

"Umm, I wanted to talk to Candice" I calmly nodded & walked over to the couch sitting down.

"Well Let's talk" I said

It was quiet for a few minutes & they just kept looking at each other then looking at me.

"Toni what are you doing here?" Candice asked finally breaking the ice.

"I wanted to talk to you about what happened between us"

"Toni..." My girlfriend Trailed.

"How did you two even meet?" I asked

"Tamar baby you dont want to know that"

"No actually I do so tell me"



Bianca & I just got into a heated argument over something she found in my phone things between us have been pretty rocky since she started doing cocaine with me & honestly I was tired of the back & forth.

I left thinking maybe I would go get a drink at the bar not to far from my house & just decompress.

As I was on my third drink a beautiful woman sat next to me & asked if I wanted another drink.

"Here you go" the bartender said laying the drink on the counter.

"Thanks" I said to the woman sitting next to me.

"So what's your name?" She asked

"Candice" I said smiling

"Toni, nice to meet you beautiful" We shook hands next thing I knew we were back at Toni's apartment having sex all over the house & varies positions.

My body had never felt so cared for & desired, Toni was licking & sucking on my neck so good that I didn't realize she left hickey's on me & I didn't care.

Toni told me she was married but at that moment I didn't care my body needed this.

I headed home knowing what I did was wrong but I couldn't help myself, Once I walked inside Bianca was laying on the bed stretched out with a single syringe in her arm.

"Bianca!" I yelled running over pulling the needle out of her arm.

Her phone was laying next to her & it was picture of Toni & I kissing at the bar one of her friends sent it to her.

After the funeral & everything Toni tried to call me but I blew her off I couldn't face her after what happened....

Flashback over

"That's how it happened, I haven't seen Toni until now"

By this time I wasn't mad because this was before me but I was still confused on why Toni was here now was she trying to get my girlfriend back or what.

"Toni where is your wife & kids?" I asked

"Back in Alabama, Sina & I got divorced a few years ago I lied to you because you always threw your perfect life in my face"

"Excuse me how did I do that Toni huh your the one always saying my job is so great my life is so amazing but look at you now" I said with a smirk.

"Your the one who always had to be on top even with our moms they did everything for you perfect schools designing clothes taking you shopping where the hell was I huh? Home because they loved you more right?"

I rolled my eyes at her, "Girl please your full of shit they loved you too you were bad as hell"

"Whatever Tamar look Candice I came back because we ended off on the wrong note & my therapist told me to come after what I wanted."

I scoffed, "Toni Can we talk about this later?" Candice asked.

"Seriously Candice you know what forget it" I stood up grabbing my pants putting them back on.

"Baby" She said standing up grabbing my waist stopping me.

I knew she meant what she said to me earlier I wasn't mad at her it was Toni just coming here out the blue.

"Toni please leave, I dont want any drama you two our sisters but I want to be Tamar I love her I dont know why you decided to come here all of a sudden but it's over."

I smiled at my girlfriend, "Fine" Toni said walking toward the door with an evil grin on her face.

"We are still sisters Tamar" She winked before leaving out.

"Baby I am sorry I didn't know"

"It's okay I gotchu now" I said hugging my girl.

Nobody was taking her from me

Love & War {Short Story} {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now