Chapter Eight

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It's been a few days since I overdosed & I have been in the hospital since but today Tamar is taking me home she has been here every step of the way

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It's been a few days since I overdosed & I have been in the hospital since but today Tamar is taking me home she has been here every step of the way.

I tried to kill myself because I was at a breaking point with all the crazy ass things going on in my life.

It was just too much for me & I didn't want to be here anymore, "Come on" Tamar kindly said helping me out the car.

We walked inside my house & Tamar helped me to the couch & sat me down.

"You want anything?" Tamar asked.

"Just some water please" She nodded smiling at me & walked in the kitchen.

I turned on the radio & Some r&b started playing, Tamar came back & handed me the water.

"Thank you" I said, she sat next to me glancing over at me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked

I sighed before answering, "I dont know honestly"

"Candice... Why did you do that?" She asked

"Tamar, I was in a bad place when you left I became depressed & just kept getting high I didn't know what else to do, I thought maybe you deserved more than me hell Ashley deserves better than me."

"But I realized laying in that hospital bed that I loved you & I treated you horribly, Ashley means nothing to me neither does any other woman."

I touched her hand, "Tamar I need help & I know that now, I want to build something with you getting high everyday & fucking different women is not what I want to do anymore." I explained.

She was didn't say anything as I talked & explained everything, "My first love Bianca meant everything to me she is introduced me to drugs & that's all we ever did & one night I cheated & that sent her over the edge she ended up overdosing that same night."

Tears came to my eyes as I remembered that night when I found her laying on the floor.

"She died Tamar in my arms I loved her but it wasn't enough" I sobbed.

Tamar pulled me into her embracing me tightly.

"It's ok" She said pushing my hair out of my face.

"I am so sorry Tamar" I sobbed holding on to her.

"I know baby it's okay" We locked eyes & For the first time ever She saw me for me not the person I use to be.

We were now super close to kissing but she stopped me, "Wait Candi, I can't be hurt again if this is going to work then we have to focus on us & stay faithful to each other"

"Tamar, I dont want to loose you this time I promise you it will never happen again, I want us to get clean & do what we need to do for this to work"

"I love you so much" I said for the first time.

"I love you too" She whispered & attached our lips together.

We cried together as we made out softly, Maxwell played in the background.

I climbed on top of her & took off my shirt.

"Shit I missed you" Tamar said kiss on my breast making me moan.

We were now in my bed making love as the music kept playing that drowned out our love making.

Tamar was devouring my walls nobody has ever made me feel this good before, Not even Bianca.

"Shit." I moaned feeling my climax coming along.

I came & Tamar reappeared kissing me letting me taste myself.

"Damn that was good" I said smiling.

"I know you lucky I love your body"

"Whatever" I giggled.

Night time came & Tamar made dinner for us which was so damn good we sat by the fireplace flirting.

"So I was thinking maybe we take a trip once we completely rehab" She said.

"You know I was thinking we probably don't even have to go to rehab maybe we just stop all together" I said

"Yeah but we still need the support plus the withdraws & everything"

"Are you having second thoughts about quitting?"

"No Of course not it's- know what never mind it's just going to take one day at a time" She said & I gave a small smile nodding.

"How do you think Maury is going to take us being back together?"

She shrugged, "I dont know honestly but we made up I hope she understands because I really do love my relationship with her"

"Yeah I get that Morgan called me earlier she was happy we worked things out."

"Come here" Tamar said

"Hmm" I sat on her lap pecking her lips.

"I love you so much Candice"

"I love you more baby" I pecked her lips again but the doorbell stopped us.

"Who could that be?" I asked getting off her lap & walking toward the door turning the lights on.

I looked in the peephole & who was on the other side made my stomach sink.

"Who is it babe?" Tamar asked buttoning her shirt up.

I didn't know what to say, I just opened the door.

"Toni" I trailed

"Hello Candice" She said.

"Babe who- Toni!" Tamar said, Toni looked shocked I was so confused.

"Tamar you know her?" I asked

"Yes Candice this is my sister!"

"Yes Candice this is my sister!"

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Love & War {Short Story} {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now