Chapter 3

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Kirito entered in his log. Day 47 door 48 of the dungeon. Me and sinon are still fighting i winder what is happening on the outside of the world.
» Back At their cabin «
Klein yelled out "Eugeo you cant go after them youll die!" Eugeo looked klein in the eyes "I hve to try Klein i cant let him die! I have to be there for him he would go to find me! He would go to find all of us! Would he not!?" Eugeo screamed at klein Yui looked over. "Uncle Eugeo my daddy can handle it I know he can just wait after a certain period of time has passed the GM will notice the bug and fix it." Yui smiled at Eugeo. "Yui i know you belive in your dad but he has limits!" Eugeo tears up he knows kirito is strong but he cant do it with just him and sinon. Alice walks and wipes Eugeos tears and holds him close she knows deep in her heart that kirito can do it if he loves sinon and wishes to protect her he will do his best to fight to the end just like back in SAO from stories she had been told. Eugeo looked at all of them "Im going and thats that!" Eugeo stormed out of the cabin.

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