Chapter 12

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Kazuto's eyes widened as he saw Klein lying there slowly bleeding out.

"Klein!" He screamed

He rant to his side and propped his head up. He tried his best to stop the bleeding but it was no use there was to much external bleeding and internal bleeding. Kazuto teared up as he saw his first SAO friend slowly drift away.

"S-silica!" Klein yelled and then passed.

Kazuto's eyes widened again as he quickly ran out the door and looked around even though he had just seen Silica she was gone into the dark and all he knew was that she wasn't finished.

~1 Years Later~

Shino and Kazuto had been raising their baby together as well as visiting yui but one day Rika disappeared and everyone was confused except kirito and Eugeo they knew she was back and they where right what ever she had started she wasn't finished she had much more before she was done.

Shino and Kazuto lay in bed then crying comes out of the babys room.

"Kazuto its your turn.." Shino giggled and sighed.

"I guess it is, I'll be right back sweetie." He kissed shino's forehead gently and started walking to their kids room we he go there all that had happened was she had dropped her doll.

"Sachi.. I swear.." He gives her the doll and kisses her forehead and goes back to bed and smiles. "She just dropped her doll.."

~MeanWhile at Eugeo's House~

Eugeo lay awake watching his and Asuna's door knowing that any minute Silica could bust in and try to murder one of them even know that wasn't her plan she had something much more drastic in plan.

"Eugeo no one is coming.. Just lay down.." Asuna pulled him into bed and smiled.

"I'm sorry Asuna I'm just worried.." He pulled Her close and stroked her hair. "I hope Alice is alright.."

"I'm sure she's fine.." Asuna kisses Eugeo and falls asleep in his arms

About an hour later Eugeo awakes to a crash and a scream and its Alice's. He ran down stairs and saw Alice being held by Silica and Silica slit Alice's throat and laughed and ran off.

Suddenly Eugeo shot up in bed.

"I-it was just a dream.. Thank god.." He breathed slowly and heavily trying to calm down.

Eugeo pulled his phone out and called kirito and kirito picked up and said.

"Hey man whats up?"

"Nothing much just I had a weird dream.."

"Yea? What about?"

"I saw Silica murder Alice.."

"I'm headed over okay we will talk when I get there.."

Kirito hung up and started heading for Eugeo's place with sinon and the baby he couldn't leave them alone with Silica out there. When they arrived at Eugeo's house he opened the door and said.

"Alice called.. All I heard was a scream.. Then the call ended..."

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