Chapter 11

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Kirito and sinon laid I'm bed panting and breathing heavily smiling and holding each other after what they had just done they kinda wanted to shower but they where to tired so they both got dressed and laid in bed.

"K-kazuto do you think it worked?.." Sinon asked blushing and then put a hand on her stomach.

"Yes, Shino soon we will have a child of our own to raise." Kirito got a little sad after rembering yui chose to be with Asuna instead of him but its what made yui happy that he cared about.

>>Eugeo's House<<

Asuna lay in bed with her boyfriend Eugeo snuggling close and looked at him and smiled.

"You may not be kirito kun but you are special and I'll always love you Eugeo.."

Eugeo smiled but his smile soon faded.

"Your still thinking about him?" He asked concerned.

Asuna nodded "Eugeo we were practically married."

Eugeo rolled his eyes and got out of bed and grabbed his jacket.

"Where the hell are you going?" She asked kind of sad.

"Klein's I'll be back in a bit sweetie."

Eugeo walked over and gently kissed Asuna and then headed out the door walking on the side walks since he and Klein lived close together. After about 20 minutes of walking Eugeo showed up at Klein's door and found it had already been opened and the lock was broken. Eugeo pulled a knife out of his pocket and slowly walked in and when he opened the door his jaw dropped and he dropped the knife.

>> Kirigaya Residents <<

Kirito's phone started ringing indicating it was Eugeo and he picked up and yawned.

"Eugeo what the hell its the middle of the damn night.." Kirito asked tiredly.

Eugeo quickly yelled into the phone. "Kazuto get the fuck to Klein's now! No questions!" He hung up.

Kirito got up and slowly got dressed and headed to Klein's after kissing Sinon goodbye and he walked out the door. He walked down the streets and saw Silica walking and he smiled.

"Hey Silica how are you!" He asked seeing a little blood on her.

"Just fine Kazuto..." She bumped passed him and walked off.

Kirito shrugged and walked soon arriving at Klein's house. He opened the door slowly and he saw Eugeo looking at something he walked in and his jaw dropped.

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