Chapter 8: Love Again (18+ warning)

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Felix woke up the next morning feeling sore, instantly getting flashbacks to what happened the previous night and his stomach was once again filled with butterflies. He looked back and saw the man who had taken his virginity peacefully sleeping, his hand once again lying next to him on the bed in case Felix needed to hold it. What did he do to deserve someone like Hyunjin? He was just an ordinary guy, there was nothing special about him at all. At least that's what he thought, maybe Hyunjin saw something else in him or he was just trying to fulfill his promise to Felix's father.

He studied the older man for a few more minutes before carefully getting out of the bed, putting on a pair of sweatpants, his shirt and the sweatshirt that Hyunjin had bought for him. Felix threw one last glance at Hyunjin before silently leaving the bedroom and made his way down to the kitchen where the other members was gathered to eat breakfast.

"Look who decided to finally show up," Changbin said with a small smirk, the spoon he was holding casually resting against his bottom lip. The young man had no idea what Changbin actually meant by that, but he figured that all of them knew what they did at this point. "Shut up, Binnie," Chan said, giving him a slap on the back of his head and helped Felix sit down at the table, trying not to make a face. It was a good pain, that sort of pain that he would gladly want to feel again. "Did you sleep well, Felix?" Chan asked with a slight smile. It was clear to Felix that Chan was trying not to make it painfully obvious that he knew what Hyunjin and Felix did last night, out of respect. That was one of the characteristics Felix admired.

"Of course he slept well," Han chuckled and looked down at his breakfast when Chan glared at him. Felix couldn't help but blush a little bit, were they really that loud? "Yes, I did sleep well, thank you," Felix finally said, taking a small sip of the water Chan had given him. Nothing much was said after that, they just all ate breakfast in silence, some members silently talking to each other. Felix did his best to make out what they were talking about, it wasn't until the two members looked straight at Felix that he knew that they were talking about him. They instantly stopped talking and looked down at the table. What on earth were they hiding from him?

Then he heard the all too familiar footsteps of Hyunjin entering the kitchen, followed by a soft and warm hand gliding across his throat, that action alone made the butterflies in his stomach come alive. He shouldn't be feeling like this. Hyunjin quite literally kidnapped him and barely let him outside the house. Felix's thoughts were interrupted when he felt the softness of Hyunjin's lips on his own and blinked a few times when the older man pulled away from him. Who the fuck did he think he was?

"You should keep that kind of stuff in the bedroom," Changbin muttered while glaring at Hyunjin. Was Changbin jealous? Or was he just extremely fed up with Hyunjin's behavior?

"You should keep your mouth shut," Hyunjin replied back while pouring himself a cup of coffee, taking a small sip of it while still looking at Changbin. Felix could sense some sort of rivalry between the two of them, which he honestly thought was ridiculous. They were both grown men, they should be handling situations like these better.

"They're coming over today," Chan announced, casually leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Who's coming over?" Felix asked and immediately looked at Hyunjin for some kind of answer. But there was none. "Hyunjin, who's coming over?" he asked again. The older man sighed heavily while slowly stretching his neck to the side.

"You didn't tell him," Minho said out of the blue, as if he was able to read Hyunjin's mind.

"Tell me what?" Felix said, getting increasingly anxious and stressed. Was this what Seungmin and Han was whispering about just a few moments earlier? Hyunjin however. He remained silent. Felix got up from the chair he was sitting on and pointed at Hyunjin. "You better start fucking talking or I'm leaving," Felix hissed. He finally got a reaction from the older man. Hyunjin straightened his head and looked directly at Felix, it almost felt like he was looking into his soul. Changbin and Chan tensed up just a little bit, as if they were getting ready to defend him.

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