chapter five

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Everyone woke up at different time, but the only one who stayed in their room was Izuku. Until he got so bored he wanted something to eat. Sometimes he was too lazy to actually eat something. He would just go hungry until he wasn't to lazy to cook for himself.

Izuku was still dressed in what he fell asleep in. He didn't give a shit about what he looked like in the morning. He walked to the kitchen where Shouta was. Hizashi was cooking breakfast while Shouta read the newspaper and drank his coffee.

Hitoshi was on his phone sitting in front of Shouta at the table. The scene looked beautiful to Izuku, not having his parents ever around. And his dad leaving him to have another family. This scene didn't make sense to have Izuku's in it. The more he thought about it, it made him. How dare his father!!

After every thing it just made him miss his dad even more. God he wanted to cry, but instead of crying he went to counter which had bread and a toaster on it. It was beside the sink that Hizashi was standing at now cleaning up.

He made toast ignoring Hizashi as he tried to talk to him. Izuku scrolled through his phone while listening to music on his airpods.

Izuku looked up to see Shouta staring at him with a stern look on his face. Izuku took out one airpod to listen to what Shouta had to say. But Izuku was going to ignore him after.

"Yeah?" Izuku responded to Shouta.

"Hizashi was asking you to come eat with us. Don't ignore him, he is your elder. And last night you were mean to him. I get that your mad but don't take it out on my husband."

"Nah I'm good." Izuku said with a straight face. Walking away with his toast, then putting in his airpod back in his ear.

Without even listening to his Shouta's response, he looked back and smirked.
"Suck my dick." He said flipping off everyone in the kitchen. Hizashi held Aizawa back and made some lame excuse to keep Shota tamed like a little pussy cat.

Shouta used his quirk and his capture weapon to scare him. But Izuku looked at him with no expression. "You don't scare me 'father'." Izuku said laughing as he walked to his room and slammed the door.

"God this is going to be hard.." Shouta said hugging his husband, almost crying.

"I know sweetie, give him some time. He didn't hurt my feelings sweetie. And you know that respect goes both ways. I haven't given him a reason to trust me or a reason to not trust me. It's okay babe." Hizashi said kissing his husband's forhead.

"Hitoshi, bring him a plate and put it at his door. I know he has to be hungrier that to eat just one slice of toast." Shota said as Hitoshi did as he asked.

Hitoshi knocked on the door and told Izuku that there was a plate to eat. And that he'd leave the plate on table in the hallway. Halfway walking through the hall Hitoshi heard the door open and Izuku grab the plate. Hitoshi smiled softly all the way to the kitchen.

"Did he take the plate of food." Hizashi asked like he knew that he'd take the plate.

"Actually yeah he did." Hitoshi said softly sitting at the table to eat.

"See! He'll warm up, it may take some time but it'll happen. We just need to be patient with him." Hizashi said cuddling up to Shouta's side as the ate breakfast.

After they ate breakfast it was time to have a family meeting. So Hitoshi got Izuku out of his room and into the living room. Even though Izuku looked like he hated everything at the moment. Which was correct but did what they asked. Because he was getting worried he'd never get to see katsuki.

Izuku finally got dressed in his day clothes, which consisted of all black clothing and mesh underclothes . His silver jewelry with a moss agate crystal necklace and silver rings and a huge spiked choker. His makeup with just black eyeshadow under his eyes to bring out his dark circles and huge bat eyeliner. He wore combat boots with a pan flag colored beads on his laces.

Izuku sat at the end of the long black leather couch. Hitoshi sat in middle of Izuku and Hizashi while Shouta sat in a red leather recliner. Shouta told the two boys all the rules which were, that were for both of them.

Number one- Izuku was not allowed to stay out passed 12, which was the same for Hitoshi.

Number two- everywhere Izuku goes outside of the house to take Hitoshi- if he wants to go. But if they go together stay together.

Number three- tell Shouta and Hizashi where you are going and call when you get there safely and and text when you're on your way home.

Number four- If you stay the night anywhere the parents have to meet the other family.

Number five- Izuku would do online school but at UA so that they could keep an eye on him when they went back to school after the week break because of villain attacks on the school. Or if izuku wanted to go to UA he'd have to take an exam given my nedzu the principal of UA.

Izuku picked UA, that way way the hero commission wouldn't go after him and his gang. They wouldn't expect a hero to be the leader of a yakuza gang.

"Okay I can deal with those rules." Izuku agreeing to the rules.

"Are there any rules you want to make? We care a lot of boundaries. And we have a rule that when our bedroom door is shut, knock first, don't just barge in like an animal." Shouta said,

"Okay cool, umm well I don't want anyone doing my laundry or going into my room with out my permission. Knock before entering my bedroom too. I guess that's it, can I have some more time to think of more?" Izuku asked after he made his rules.

"Yeah of course!! Now Hitoshi get ready since your still in your pajamas. We're going shopping!" Hizashi said getting up from in a hurry off the couch in excitement.

"Ughhh fine!" Hitoshi rolled his eyes even though he was doing what his father told him to do. After Hitoshi got ready everyone was ready to go. They all got into to car and went to the mall that was close to their house.

While they were looking at room decor, someone came up behind Izuku and tapped him on the shoulder. Izuku turned around to face the stranger only to see,


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