An Old Nightmare Returns

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The fourth night of Unital Ring came with rain.

Unlike the counterparts in real life and the simulated world of the Underworld, rain in the Seed Nexus games is nothing more than a hinderance. Clothes got wet, but would get dry once one took adequate shelter, and it had an effect on visibility. Given Unital Ring's desire to kill us with whatever it takes, including weather, I'm pleased to report that the rain is safe to get some practice swings in.

Yeah, I have a lot on my mind, and practicing with my sword has always helped sort them. I remember one time I was doing the same thing on a bright, early morning, hours before the boss strategy meeting on the fifty-sixth floor on Aincrad, a month after Koharu's "death" and the second time I would fight a boss without her. It was that morning that Lisbeth presented me with my new set of armor and weapons. I gave the sword the name Avenger, for that was the only thing on my mind at the time.

Today, I swing for a different reason.

Shortly after telling Cordelia and Sylvie to meet us in three days, Momiji and I logged out a little before the appointed time. Asuna and Alice gave me the rundown with Kazuto, then Dr. Koujiro forced him back to our world. He looked to be in a panic and wanted to return, but the good doctor held her ground. After all, the health and safety of us teenagers, especially the three who spent an excessive amount of time in the Underworld, was of the highest priority. Kazuto even came out with physical issues due to whatever happened before he logged out.

I didn't understand the reason for it as we bid farewell to Alice and left with Momiji. In my car, we dropped Kazuto off at Shibuya Station, so I never got the chance to ask him what happened. We dropped Asuna off at her place along with wishing her happy birthday and giving her present, then Momiji and I came home. After a quick dinner made by the woman of the house, we entered Unital Ring. We just finished the customary meeting, and the rain, which had been going on for hours according to Rei, hadn't let up, so I decided to come outside.

On the porch, Kirito and Agil have a chat, though I'm too far away to eavesdrop; even if I could eavesdrop, the rain is interfering. I assume they're speaking about the lacking plan to deal with Mutasina's army. So far, all we got is using Sinon's Hecate II to snipe at Mutasina, but she can't carry it alone. The fact she instakilled the dinosaur on the first night was a miracle to begin with, but she had the Ornith helping her. Klein even noted how we can't create a rifle stand, which was an attachment in GGO. As much as I would suggest Rei and Lievre stick with her and have Sinon put a hole in Mutasina's head, i offered the painful counter to Sinon's big plan: we're in a forest, and there's no guarantee that Mutasina would show herself beyond the treeline.

So with no plan, my daughter on my mind, and my best friend's panicked state in my head, I dance along in the torrent of rain. That is, until a girl with blonde hair and a blue-hood coat puts her dagger against my photon sword. For a moment, I surprised the beam blade doesn't melt steel, but that would be a balancing issue, I guess. Who else would confront me like that other than Philia. I glance at her, seeing her worried face, then turn off the sizzling blue beam. "You should be inside."

"It is horrible out here, that's for sure, so I'd make the same recommendation for you. Yet...something's bothering you. You've been different since last night, not even I knew what was up. Then now, you look even worse." She sighs and glances back at the cabin, her eyes on the porch but her true sight is beyond it. "It should be Kureha, Koharu or Liz standing out here, but I know you too. I know when you have something on your mind that you don't want to tell anyway. Unlike Kirito, though, it's usually for a good reason, something that isn't easily resolved with others. I bet Kirito and Asuna are clueless too. But you can tell me, whatever it is, if it means sharing the burden with one other person."

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