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"You see her?"

"Not yet."

Those are the words conveyed between me and Kureha's eyes as we and the fifty-one others watched Mutasina's army of nearly ninety march along the rocky western riverbank of the Maruba River. Despite the origins of their conscription, they're neatly organized into a line and silent throughout. It begs me to wonder how much discipline Mutasina whipped into them if the demonstration two nights ago was insufficient.

I cannot say whether they have good morale, though I can say the opposite of the Kirito Army and Crimson Squad. With forty-three players of four different games, five human NPCs, and five bipedal rat NPCs assembled, we hid in total silence along both sides of the riverbank of the Maruba. Our plan is coming together nicely, but it hasn't begun yet.

Our first act is to locate Mutasina in the line. To do so, we split into three teams: Kirito's team on the eastern side of the riverbank, Asuna's on the western, and mine farther upriver. Kirito, Asuna, Kureha, and Sinon have their menus open to communicate the location of Mutasina, each well-hidden by whatever plant life they're surrounded by and a black cloth that blocks out the light of the ring menus. Because the four of us know what Mutasina looks like, Kirito and I are on watch for our teams. I can't remember if Lux or Argo is with Asuna, but if I had to guess, the former is and will alert Asuna if she sees the witch.

If we had more black cloth, we could use it for everyone, but since it originated from fallen players' gear, we used what we had. Asuna hasn't developed black dyes, either. I wasn't going to volunteer the armor I'm wearing or is in my inventory for that purpose.

Forty feet is between the other eight members of Crimson Squad and me from Kirito and Asuna's teams; another sixty feet separates me from the lead torch of Mutasina's army. I narrow my eyes, getting a good look at the front line of the invaders. They're made of three tanks equipped with studded leather armor and round leather shields. I can barely see behind them, but if I had to guess, the DPS group is behind them.

Looking down at Zeliska, I motion for her and the others to get low. They're on the ground, but the woods are above the riverbank by a couple of feet. We can see them, but one slip up, and they're onto us. I'm more concerned about Kuro the panther, Aga the agamid, and Misha the thornspike bear, but as long as their masters keep them quiet, the tanks should pass by fine.

One of them is Holgar, the outspoken leader of the Absolute Survivor Squad. His cheerfulness is replaced by determination, though I cannot say whether it is forced or genuine. I can't see the mark around his neck from over eighty feet, but I can see neither he or the tanks at his side wears throat guards. I feel sorry for him, and at the same time, I commend Mutasina for taking the advantage presented to her. It's a dirty move, but all's fair in love and in war. Considering the overall task in Unital Ring, playing fair won't get us far, but will Mutasina's move get her far? Invoking loyalty under the threat of suffocation is one trick I'm not sure I could pull off.

Holgar and the tanks pass Kirito and Asuna's group, heading our way, but I ignore them for now. Behind them are some scout units with short swords and daggers. Mutasina hasn't been seen from my position in a tree, and that's worrisome. Seeing Kureha's frustration, I hold my hand out to her. Immediately she gives an item to me - the scope attachment to her rifle-and I bring it to my right eye. With time being of the essence, we had to find her before the tanks reached the trap in about three minutes.

Almost immediately, I see the familiar dark-haired woman in a hooded white robe. A group of longsword-bearing attackers surrounds her. The gem of her staff reflects the torchlight as it rises and falls with the slender figure's movements. There's Mutasina. But that's not all. There are three other anomalies in this group.

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