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Nexus was training in the hyperbolic time chamber training

Nexus:Ever since I've unlocked these new transformations and seen ultra instinct in action I have been training non stop.

During his training Nexus has been trying to figure out how to unlock ultra instinct. Until something strange happened a portal appears and sucked him in.

And next he ends up on a strange island

???: Well now who are you?

Nexus:Who am I? Who are you old man?

???:I am Shang Tsung! and you Kombatant will face Reptile

Nexus turned around and saw a humanoid ninja like lizard.

Nexus wasn't even surprised by his appearance.

Nexus: Hmmm maybe I should use five percent of my power?

Nexus threw a punch causing gus of wind and knocking Reptile out of ring.

Shang Tsung: Your name Kombatant?

Nexus: I'm Nexus!

Shang Tsung: Well then Nexus wins

Lu Kang and Raiden was shocked to see Reptile beaten so easily.

Lu Kang: Incredible! What do you think lord Raiden?

Raiden:it is impressive but that remains to be seen.

Shang Tsung: Your next opponent will be baraka

Nexus saw a strange creature that was standing next to the sorcerer. He jumped into the ring with two blades coming out from his arms

Nexus: Hmph this'll be a easy!

Baraka ran towards him and attacked him but Nexus was dodging his attacks.

Nexus: Come on is that it? I can still go for more.

Baraka: Don't mock me! Earthrealmer

Baraka was about to impel him but Nexus caught his arm pulled baraka towards him and kicked him in the face knocking him out as well.

Shang Tsung: Nexus wins!

Nexus: That was easy.

Shan Tsung: Now Finish him!

Nexus realized this was a battle to the death!

Nexus:No I'm not killing someone who's down.

Raiden smiled at this!

Shang Tsung: Very well the tournament will begin at dawn.

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