Chapter one

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As everyone else has left the area

Johnny: Dude that was so cool the way you caused the guz of wind with a single punch man, Oh man you have got to be in my next movie.

Nexus:Um thanks? Mr Umm?

Johnny: I'm Johnny Cage! You know movie star.

Lu Kang: I'm lu Kang Shaolin Monk representative

Raiden:I am Raiden god of thunder

Nexus: Nice to meet you both. But I have a question?

Lu Kang: What is it?

Nexus: Who's the lizard, the guy with the arm swords and the old guy that just left.

Raiden: That was Reptile and Baraka,a zatarin and tarkatan from outworld as for the old man his name is Shang Tsung a sorcerer.

Nexus:A sorcerer I have seen before but this outworld I've never heard or seen before.

Raiden explained to him about the tournament and it's purpose.

Nexus: So this tournament is to decide the fate of the world. And if we win the earth is saved but if we lose the earth will be invaded by this shao Khan guy?

Raiden: That's correct will you help us?

Nexus was thinking about this he could tell them that he's a member of the time patrol and friends with the supreme Kai.

Nexus: Okay I'll help you.

Lu Kang: Thank you Nexus.

Lu Kang and Raiden were grateful that they have Nexus on their side

Meanwhile with Sonja

Pilot: Triangulating your signal for evac... There's no island...

Sonja: I'm standing on it. Just lock on to my wrist comm!

Pilot: Understood what is your current status?

Sonja: They have Jax. And if I don't fight in this crazy tournament, they'll kill him. I'm gonna try to--

Johnny: Need help? I specialized in  rescuing damsels in distress.

Time skip

Johnny has beaten Kano

Sonja: Thanks!

Johnny:No problem so who was that guy?

Sonja: His name's Kano he was our informant in our black dragon investigation. Big arms dealers. Turns out he was their leader, giving us the runaround lot of our got killed because of him.

Johnny: So that's not a costume? your actual military?

Sonja: Special Forces.

Johnny: Get out! So you know about this "threat of the world" stuff, right? Raiden called in the cavalry.

Sonja: Raiden? No idea what you are talking about.

Time skip

Johnny went to see Nexus

Johnny: Hey Nexus.

Nexus: Yeah what is it?

Johnny explained to him about Sonja and her friend.

Nexus: Hmmm I think I know how to find them.

Johnny: Really? How?

Nexus puts two fingers on his head to locate Sonja

And he found both Sonja and someone else's energies

Nexus: Found her! You coming Johnny?

Johnny:Hell yeah!

Johnny puts his hand on his shoulder.

The two teleported to see Shang Tsung along with a few other people were leaving Sonja

Johnny: there's she is! Sonja you all alright? Looks like you found him s'up sarge?

Sonja: He's a ma--....

She sees Nexus walking towards him with a bag in his hands.

Sonja: Hey what are you doing?

Nexus saids nothing and a grabs a bean out of it.

Johnny: It's okay he's cool.

Nexus: here eat this

???:A Bean?

With what little strength he has left the man grabbed the bean and put it in his mouth and starts to eat it

Sonja: Jax!

Johnny: Seriously he's cool.

He swallowed it and feels like his wounds are completely gone.

Jax: That's Amazing!

Nexus helps him up

Johnny: Told you!

Sonja: Thank you Nexus right! I'm Sonja blade and that's Jax.

Nexus: you're welcome and it's Nice to meet you both.

Raiden and Lu Kang appears

Raiden: Good work Nexus!

Nexus: No problem.

Raiden: I have forseen events like memories of my future. They lead me to believe that you  are all connected to earthrealm's fate. And since Nexus isn't in the visions this would give us an advantage.

Lu Kang: What have you forseen?

Raiden: In the vision, Shao Khan becomes invincible he destroys all life in earthrealm. We will all die. I believe these are a guide to defeating Shao Khan but disrupting the flow of time can have serious consequences.

Johnny: I'm not worried I bet you and Nexus could win this no problem.

Raiden: unless if ether of us are directly challenged. We can not participate.

Nexus: He's right. And I really wanted those guys.

Johnny: Okay? What should we do besides standing around and looking pretty?

Raiden: For now,the tournament must run it's course.

Nexus: And I'll help out when ever there is an opening.

Sonja: All right then we're with you Raiden.

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