Chapter 3

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In conton city Scarlet and oblivion were searching for Nexus

Scarlet: Where is my brother?

Oblivion:I don't know Scar but the supreme Kai did tell us that he was going to hyperbolic time chamber trying to get ultra instinct

As they were to enter the chamber  they got sucked in

And they have entered the temple of the Shaolin monks

Scarlet: Where are we?

Oblivion: It would seems that we have entered a temple dear.

Scarlet: I can see that.

The two looked around and saw people.

Scarlet: Maybe we should ask around If anyone have my brother.

Oblivion: Good idea.

Time skip

Scarlet and Oblivion meet back with each other

Scarlet: Found anything?

Oblivion: No what about you?

Scarlet: No wait let me use instant transmission to locate his energy

She used instant transmission to locate her twin brother's ki

Scarlet: Found it! Oblivion Give me your hand.

Oblivion gives his hand to her and they teleported away from the temple to the island.

Back to Nexus

Nexus: Okay this is boring!

Nexus was fighting sheeva

Sheeva: There's no way you can escape from this.

Nexus: You don't say? Well then. Kaioken!

Sheeva:Kaio What?

Nexus was charging up and got out of the bear hug and defeated her.

Shang Shung: Nexus wins!

Nexus: You okay there?

Nexus gives sheeva hand

Sheeva: You're helping me?

Nexus: Of Course I want to fight you again sometime.

Everyone has left leaving Nexus alone

Nexus felt a familiar energy sigure

Nexus: No way!

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