Chapter 1

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~Bjorn's POV~

The cool air that had come through the open window was a blessing to the heat of the bedroom. I gave a low moan as I rolled over on my stomach, just a thin sheet over my lower half. The sounds of the night soothed my temporarily frayed nerves as I tried to let my body rest and my mind quiet down, yet still I was unable to fully relax.

I gave a gentle sigh as I slowly opened my eyes, listening to the bedroom door creak open. A light sound of muffled footsteps slowly filled my ears, prompting me to do two things; grab my dagger under my pillow and wait for whomever it was.

"I'm sorry I woke you," a soft and feminine voice yawned.

My muscles relaxed when I felt the mattress dip and a gentle hand rub my right shoulder, hoping she felt alright.

"Baby, you didn't wake me," I assured my girlfriend of five years,  "I promise.".

I smiled when I heard her yawn again, then I carefully sat up and turned my attention to her. She carefully rubbed her eyes, then she brushed her hands against her scrub top. I internally chuckled at her, but I knew it had probably been a hard day for her.

I pulled her close and kissed her temple, nose buried against her hair as I began taking it out of the messy bun that had confined it to the top of her head. As her beautiful brown hair fell to her shoulders, I gently put my forehead to hers.

"How can I help you, My Queen," I softly ask her, "A back rub perhaps? Or a foot rub?".

I watched her crack a tired smile, then her cheeks and tips of her ears tinted a light pink. She played with the hem of her scrub top, yet I could see the wheels turning in her beautiful and bright mind.

"Let me know whatever you want to do, My Queen," I hummed softly, "And we will do it.".

She placed a strand of her hair behind her left ear, the blush darkening. She seemed shy as she softly said,"I'd love to snuggle once I shower and change into some more comfortable clothes.".

I opened my mouth to tell her I'd be happy with that, but I saw the light in her beautiful eyes dim; had I done something wrong or asked the wrong question?

"B," She softly asked me, "Are you okay?".

I smiled a little and said, "I was just about to ask you the same thing, My Queen.".

She giggled lightly and tried hiding her face with her hair, biting her lower lip. She was my world and I intended to make sure she would be very much loved for however long we'd last.

She then shyly admitted, "I'd love to have breakfast in bed, but I'm worried you'll end up in back to back meetings.".

I pulled her onto my lap, placing my chin atop her head, softly suggesting, "How about I run a hot bath for you, then we try and get some sleep tonight. Tomorrow I'll get up before you and make the best breakfast you've ever had. I'm even willing to clear a decent bit of my schedule for you, Baby.".

I felt her relax as she began tracing patterns on my right bicep, knowing it was her way of thinking over the options she had or the options she wanted to take; it was one of the best things about her.

What could go wrong with myself and my lovely girlfriend?

Echoes Of Eternity |Bjorn Ironside|Where stories live. Discover now