Chapter 5

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~Bjorn's POV~

I kept Ursa close to my chest, nose buried in her hair as her shaking started to ease up, but she wouldn't calm down immediately. If I had learnt anything over the past five years, it was to be patient and do my best to ease her through the attack.

"B," Ursa softly muttered, "Could you help me change?".

"Of course, my queen," I hummed.

She carefully stood up, a little unsteady on her feet. She swayed a little, but she didn't fall. Her eyes were puffier and redder since she had begun crying, but she was still my beautiful shield maiden; my beautiful queen.

She patiently waited, her hands jammed into her pockets on her scrub top. She seemed fragile and it broke me. She had always did her damnedest to stay strong, even when she didn't need to be the strong one.

I glance to the boxers and shirt of mine that I had laid on the end of our bed, then I moved my gaze to Ursa. I felt a tug on my heartstrings, knowing the one thing that'd help Ursa the most.

I padded over to my chest of drawers, keeping my eyes on Ursa in the event she blacked out. I turned away for a moment and dug the hoodie she loved to steal out from the very bottom of a drawer.

Her eyes lit up a little when she saw my hoodie, a blush on her cheeks. She lowered her head and hid her face with her hair, a giggle replacing the hiccups.

"Oh," I mused in a teasing manner, "What's this?".

She snickered and hid her face with her hands. She seemed more shy than anxious as I padded over and lifted her chin. Her eyes still held a sorrowful look, but she seemed happy.

She then gave a weak smile as she whispered, "Its the hoodie I love to take from you.". She tucked a strand of hair behind her left ear, quiet as a church mouse after she had spoken. She bit her lower lip in nervousness, but she didn't show any other indication of anxiety.

~Ursa's POV~

I watched Bjorn as he held his hoodie out to me, but I still felt frozen in place. I still felt like my heart was still beating against my ribs and I didn't want to worry him. I avoid his gaze when I finally took the hoodie from his hands, hugging it to my chest as if it were a life preserver from a ship. I wanted to hide under a rock and just let the world pass me by, hoping I'd be safe from harm.

"Ursa," Bjorn softly hummed, "it's okay. We're okay.".

I sit on the edge of the bed, soon kicking my feet as I listened to him. I couldn't shake the grip that my anxiety had on my mind, even if I tried hard enough to break said grip. I buried my nose in Bjorn's hoodie as a fresh round of tears began welling up in my eyes and trickling down my cheeks.

A soft whine escaped my lips as I tried to think of happiness, but the anxiety of having watched a patient pass away still remained at the forefront of my heart and my mind. I didn't even feel the mattress dip when Bjorn sat down beside me.

"Sweetie, I promise she's in a better place," Bjorn cooed, "She's free from her illnesses and she's with those whom were waiting for her.".

"It just makes me frustrated and anxious that no one was with her," I cried, "her daughters didn't come, her grandchildren didn't come and her son-in-laws didn't come!".

I felt Bjorn kiss the top of my head, then he moved to where he was in front of me. His own beautiful orbs mimicked the worry in mine, his hands gently caressing my forearms and his smile as beautiful and reassuring as ever.

"You're going to take a few days off," Bjorn said in a firm tone, "We're going to work through this and get your mind to a better place.".

"But," I grunted, unable to finish my aente when he interrupted me, "But nothing, My Ursa Bear.".

What harm can a couple days off do?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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